
Inflammation comes in two forms: acute and chronic. Acute inflammation is short-term or classical and the point at which all inflammation begins while chronic inflammation is low level/long term inflammation. 

When the immune system is busy fighting off an invader – no matter if the invader is a simple injury of some sort or a species of bacteria or fungus, the signs of acute inflammation occur. You may experience heat, redness, swelling, pain and a loss of function. It takes energy to fight this kind of battle so your metabolism also increases when classical inflammation is at work.

This type of acute inflammation is temporary and usually lasts from days to weeks at most. Modern medicine provides a variety of tools to help control this type of inflammation if it lingers on too long. There are vaccines for viruses, antibiotics to kill bacteria and as a last resort, surgery to remove infected areas such as an appendicitis.

Acute inflammation has been recognized for thousands of years by medical and scientific researchers, however, a new kind of chronic, low-level and systemic inflammation is now getting lots of attention – chronic inflammation.


Silent but Deadly

Acute inflammation becomes chronic in nature when left on continuously. This compromises the immune system, causing it to become weakened and over-stressed over time opening the door to disease.


Chronic inflammation is an immune response the same way that acute inflammation is but it is not nearly as intense. Acute inflammation increases inflammatory markers over a hundred-fold while chronic inflammation increases inflammatory markers two to four-fold. Rather than short, vicious, site-specific bursts of fighting as in classical inflammation, chronic inflammation involves a long, relatively mild, systemic grind. Silent but deadly in nature.

In other words, one is like an explosion (easily seen and heard) but the other is a smoldering fire – more subtle but more damaging too.

The real issue with chronic inflammation is that it is “silent.” This “hidden disease” can actually go on undetected for years, silently but destructively working behind the scenes. There is no immediate redness, swelling or heat to indicate that something is wrong. Most times you don’t even know it’s happening until the actual loss of function occurs somewhere in the body.  Suddenly, without warning, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, osteoarthritis and other inflammation-related diseases as well as other type diseases set in.

The good news is, chronic inflammation is an issue you can be proactive with to both prevent and fix.


Two Mandatory Tools

Two mandatory tools are needed to fight this villain, they are:

Proper challenging exercise – Like it or not, a sedentary lifestyle breeds chronic inflammation while consistent, proper exercise decrease inflammatory chemicals. Regular exercise has proven to have a measurable impact on improving the body’s response to chronic inflammation. People who are regularly active, sleep more soundly, fit in easier socially and have a greater zest for life.

Healthy eating of real food (dump the processed varieties) – Diet accounts for about 80% of the health benefits you reap from a healthy lifestyle. Keeping inflammation in check is a major part of these benefits. The truth is, dietary components can either trigger or prevent inflammation from taking root in your body.

If you have not already addressed the roles that exercise and diet in your health and longevity, it’s time you did.

Your body has the potential and the power to slow down the aging process and restore itself to a level of wellness that it may no longer be experiencing.

If you ready to tap into the power of your self-healing processes in order to MAXIMIZE your level of health, I am here to help…

“Activate The Self Healing Process Within You” contains “simple Lifestyle Strategies to help resist aging and maintain superior health.” Inside this powerful and empowering program, you will learn the best techniques for preparing your body to defend itself against disease no matter how insidious the threat.

The information here, when implemented as suggested, will be life changing and you will enjoy greater health like never before.