exercise2The body is an amazing self-healing machine when given the right conditions.

Eating the right foods, getting plenty of fresh air and quality sleep and avoiding stress as much as possible helps keep the body’s healing functions in tip-top shape.

But there is one more element that is mandatory for super self-healing to occur.

That one thing is exercise. Exercise is not only the best way to turn on your self-healing mechanism, but it can help you to recuperate faster and even prevent diseases such as cancer and other life threatening diseases from occurring in the first place.


Stress Blocks Self-Healing

Avoiding stress is key to avoiding disease and exercise plays a mandatory role in that too. Stress is a result of the body’s sympathetic nervous system producing the “fight or flight” response – not a good place to be if you are trying to heal. The opposite of this stress response is the “rest and digest” response produced by the body’s parasympathetic nervous system. When we are in this homeostatic state our bodies are in equilibrium allowing the body’s natural self-healing mechanisms to be fully functional.

In order to avoid stress as much as possible, we must eliminate negative thoughts that only add fuel to the flame of “not feeling good about ourselves” and fostering a pessimistic view of our lives and the world around us.

Stress is a complete disconnect from our “higher power” and it’s our “higher power” that heals. Statistics prove that happy people live as long as a decade longer than their pessimistic counterparts. If that doesn’t get your attention, tests have also shown that optimists experience a 77% lower risk of heart disease. Something to consider don’t you think?

You can eat the healthiest foods and drink the healthiest drinks daily. You can get a full night’s sleep and take multiple types of supplements and still fall victim to stress and the damaging effects of high doses of the hormone cortisol that is released when stress kicks in the “fight or flight” response. Keep it up and eventually chronic stress takes over and your body loses its ability to self-heal.

We must keep the body in the “rest and digest” response if we want to heal ourselves. The very best medicine for that is to be loving towards ourselves and authentic at all times. We must shift out of negative mode into positive mode where we see the “glass half-full” rather than “half-empty.” We must learn to commune with nature and listen to her responses. To our nervous system love is the perfect medicine.

If we truly want to keep our immune system functioning at peak performance and self-heal, we need to feel good about ourselves mentally as well as physically and exercise answers both those needs.

Bottom line is this: When our bodies are given what’s needed, the self-healing mechanism of the body is able to restore and optimize health.

If you ready to tap into the power of your self-healing processes in order to MAXIMIZE your level of health…

“Activate The Self Healing Process Within You” was created just for you. In it you’ll discover” simple but powerful Lifestyle Strategies to help resist aging and maintain superior health.” Inside this empowering program, you will learn the best techniques for preparing your body to defend itself against disease no matter how insidious the threat.