heal the body3

The human body is the most amazing machine ever created. With proper food and exercise, it offers incredible self-healing abilities that many people have not tapped into.

Are you ready to take advantage of and kick your body’s self-healing abilities into high gear?

Exercise is your answer. It aids and improves almost every system within the human body, positively affecting mental, physical and spiritual health.  It is multi-functional, offering a wide range of healing influences that help to shift and reverse any negative health trends while improving immunity and resiliency at nearly all levels of our physiology.


Strength Training is Key

Proper exercise such as strength training or what others call resistance training is what builds and maintains both muscle and bone. Without strength in these two areas, we become feeble and unable to function and perform even the simplest of daily activities no less ward off disease.

Unfortunately, beginning in our 20’s, we naturally start to lose muscle, replacing muscle with fat. This muscle loss causes a reduction in our metabolic rate – the rate our body uses fuel, making it much easier to put on unwanted weight.

Although aerobic exercises play an important role in keeping us healthy and fit (benefits for the heart and lungs), walking, bicycling, swimming or jogging won’t get the job done when it comes to building muscle mass. None of these type exercise significantly improve muscle strength or mass.

Muscles are made of very active tissue cells. The more muscle we have the more calories (fuel) we burn. Add just over 2 pounds of muscle (about 1 kilo) and you’ve increased your metabolic rate by 7% and upped your calorie requirements to 15% – a huge bonus for weight loss and long-term weight control.

Whatever exercise program you decide to adopt, if you are looking to kick in some self-healing benefits, you need to include at least 60% strength training exercises that work all the major muscles groups with equal energy, intensity and consistency. After 4-6 weeks on the same program, make sure to change it up so that you keep challenging your body/muscles to get stronger.


Let’s be honest. You can’t develop strong muscles by sedentary living. Research proves over and over again that sedentary living accelerates the aging process and reduces your quality of life. Both your health and your vitality suffer.


Strong muscles require strong active living. No pill, supplement, doctor, meal or herb can give you the health healing benefits that strong muscles provide.

Proper physical exercise is also crucial to mental health and fitness. It significantly increases the amount of blood flow to the brain resulting in better memory, alertness, intellectual capacity and productivity. Your mood will improve, you’ll be a happier person and your outlook on life will be more positive with less stress.

It’s a win-win situation for physical, mental and spiritual strength.

Rather than allowing your body and your mind to get weaker through the years, get started on a challenging strength training program and get stronger instead!

No one will love and care for your body the same way you do – it’s time to address what’s really needed to gain stellar health and enjoy a disease resistant body…

No matter which side of the danger zone you are on, it’s not too late to reverse the aging process and take advantage of and kick your body’s self-healing abilities into high gear…

“Activate The Self Healing Process Within You”  presents powerful but “simple, natural Lifestyle Strategies to help resist aging and maintain superior health.”

Inside this empowering program, you will learn the best techniques for preparing your body to defend itself against disease no matter how insidious the threat. My goal with is to help align your mind, body, and soul in such a way that motivation to take care of yourself and your loved ones is no longer an issue.