Motivation is the fuel that keeps us focused and working towards our goals.

Unfortunately, motivation in any endeavor cannot be boxed up and sold. It is something that is different for each one of us and must be mustered up and nurtured from within and kept alive on a personal level and “Gym motivation” is no different.

In fact, it’s perfectly normal for “gym motivation” to “come and go.” However, when and if your motivation slips so low that you begin skipping the gym for days on end then it must be addressed or you will likely experience some serious setback problems if not motivated in some way to get back on track.

Generating motivation is not as difficult nor as scary as many believe.

Use these simple but effective techniques to get motivated and keep yourself there…

Create a Picture Journal:

Let’s face it, pictures don’t lie and can be very empowering and one of the best tools you can use to help boost your motivational levels. A “picture journal,” slightly different than a normal writing journal is a progressive journal of pictures you have taken of yourself along your weight and fat loss journey.

These can be incredibly inspiring and motivating to reflect back on so use it to your advantage. The gains made on a daily basis are just too small to notice in the mirror and does not have the same mental effect as a “picture journal” will have. However, if you take a picture of yourself one day and then another one a week or two later, that is enough time to start seeing progress taking place.

Wait over a month to take your next picture and the progress you’ll see will be even better and more inspiring. As an exercise – take a progressive picture of yourself once per week for 2 months (same time of day) and then line them up and check out the results. If you have followed your protocol as you were supposed to, you’ll likely leave with a big smile on your face which is a huge motivational boost that will encourage and keep you on track to achieve your goals.

Seek out other fitness minded people as they are a great tool to keeping yourself motivated and in-line with your fitness goals. Surrounding yourself with people that are committed to leading active lifestyles is a very positive step and smart move to help keep you aligned with your goals.

Track Your Progress:

Most people are aware that they need to have goals firmly in place and that their goals should fit into the SMART outline of specific, measurable, attainable and relevant with a timeline in place. However, once these are properly set, it’s equally important to tract your efforts.

Keeping a “picture progress journal” is one great way to track your progress, but ideally you need to be writing down what you are doing at the gym each day: reps, sets, weights and so on. This is the kind of tangible evidence you need to prove to your logic that you are getting stronger and moving towards your goals. It’s also a great inspirational tool to tap into on days where it feels as though you might not be making the kind of progress you had hoped for.

Keep your own personal workout log-book and start writing all everything down concerning the time you spend at the gym. This gives you something to refer to down the road if you begin to question your progress or you are not achieving what you had achieved earlier. You’ll have all the information you need to revert back to what you were doing when you did get great results.

Along with setting clear goals, make sure you are rewarding yourself for achieving them. Commend and recognize yourself for the effort you have put in and give yourself a little celebration of some sort. But don’t under any circumstances, reward yourself short of reaching your goals. It’s critical that you are accountable for your goals and for your rewards.

Give Yourself a Break:

Sometimes what seems to be a low motivation level is actually just your body’s way of telling you that it needs more rest – a break from the gym. Honor your body and don’t be afraid of taking this much needed break. Those who balance their workouts with rest and recovery will naturally stay more motivated over the long haul.

Think of it this way: It’s far better to take one week off and come back to your workout session with a boost of new vitality, ready and roaring to go than to ignore your bodies signals and push yourself way too long without any rest. The only reward you receive then is “burn-out” which usually results in falling off the bandwagon for months at a time. A severe setback for sure.

That one week – a planned week – won’t set you back as long as you are mindful with your diet during this one week off from exercise.

Truth is, staying motivated and achieving superior health or your dream body is not complicated as long as you continue to push forward and adjust and make changes on a regular basis and listen to your body’s signals.

If you truly want to take command of your life, regain vitality, boost your energy levels and lead a higher quality of life…

“Healthy Self Healing” can help you do just that…

For more tools and resources from Carolyn Hansen to assist you in attaining your health and fitness goals and achieving the success you desire in life, please visit:

Carolyn Hansen Fitness

Isn’t it time to throw away all the false statements you’ve accepted about dieting and exercise and learn what it really takes to stay healthy and fit long into your senior years?