
Struggle to stick to your diet when socializing? Are flimsy excuses preventing you from going to the gym?

Intrigued by those who are able to by-pass temptations such as cupcakes, cocktails and canapes?

How about those who get themselves to the gym regularly without missing a beat no matter what their current day holds? What reservoir of energy are they tapping into that you seem to lack? What is their secret?


Those that are able to move past temptations and excuses with relative ease have simply discovered the value of flexing one of the most important “muscles” in the human body – willpower.

Just as other muscles in the body require focused attention to stay strong and healthy, so does willpower. If you want the muscle power to stick with healthy eating and consistent exercise, then willpower like other muscles in your body needs continual use and flexing. Without use, this muscle reacts no differently than any other muscles – it becomes weak and flabby.

Ignore your self-control/willpower long enough and “addiction” will likely result. Addiction is the exact opposite – it is the complete loss of willpower/self-control. Unfortunately one addiction can easily lead to other unhealthy addictions as a cycle of destruction sets in.

Without self-control you’ll lack confidence and experience internal-conflict. This type of “internal-war” eventually corrodes your willpower even more.

Lack of self-confidence will stall your life in all areas.

Truth is, willpower is not reserved for the few. It is a learned skill and most researchers believe that it can be strengthened and expanded by focusing on specific strategies such as managing stress, getting enough sleep and meditation times.



Taking responsibility:

The first thing you must do if you hope to follow those with super willpower is to be responsible. Stop looking outside of discipline-nowyourself and quit pointing the finger at others and situations. You are empowered to change everything in your life but you must step to the plate and take responsibility for it first. Empowerment and responsibility go hand in hand.

Taking responsibility sets “willpower” in motion and empowers you to change things.

Drop Perfectionism:

Perfectionism is a dangerous “pass or fail game” that cannot be won. We are human and will make mistakes. That’s all part of the learning process. When we expect “perfection” of ourselves at all times, we actually trigger a fear of making mistakes. Focus on the big picture that promotes improvement and growth.

Release Negativity and Criticism:

Who does it serve? When we’re busy judging and comparing ourselves to others, there is little or no energy left over to create greatness in our own lives. Those with “super willpower” admire hard work and use the success of others as inspiration not as comparison.

Love yourself first:

Developing willpower is not about punishing yourself. It’s about loving yourself enough to be empowered to make positive change. It’s about developing healthy actions and habits that promote and support our health and fitness – not about punishing ourselves with “restriction type diets” or excessively punishing exercise routines that only lead to defeat.

And, don’t forget the role that “pleasure” plays in helping our willpower to stay the path. Pleasure will always be a key component to forming healthy habits and exercising willpower.

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