Mother Earth provides everything we need to grow, thrive and enjoy living a long healthy life.

She’s the vessel that receives sunlight – the light that gives life. She hydrates our body by providing us clean, pure water to drink. She performs bio-chemical dances that create an abundance of fruits, vegetables, herbs and spices that support, heal and nourish our systems. She provides an abundance of protein sources, both vegetable and lean animal to allow us to choose our own path and express our own tastes on our way to healthy living.

But, there is one more thing that Mother Nature provides us in abundance.

She is our natural source of electrons and subtle electrical fields – all essential for proper functioning of our immune systems, circulation, synchronization of biorhythms and other physiological processes and all we need in order to take advantage of it, is to hug her! Yep, making a physical connection with her unites and ignites this powerful, electrical circuit!

This earth/body connection, called “grounding,” may be the most effective, essential, least expensive and easiest way to obtain disease fighting, warrior antioxidants!

“Your real mother is Mother Earth, and she is actually controlling your electromagnetic field.”

Grounding restores our natural healing potential by aligning the body’s natural, internal, electrical stability and rhythms. This in turn, helps improve cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, nervous and immune system function.

Potential benefits of daily grounding:

Improve sleep quality – (sleep is a powerful player towards keeping our immune systems strong)

Increases energy – In this fast paced, demanding world, who couldn’t use a boost in energy?

Prevents inflammation – (as well as assuage its physical symptoms)

Eliminate or reduce chronic pain –

Reduces stress/anxiety/irritability – much healthier option than popping pills

Thin blood and improved blood pressure and flow – healthy blood is thin blood

Provides protection against potentially health-disturbing environmental electromagnetic fields (EMF’s. They are everywhere in the environment, radiating from wires all around us – even when current is not flowing through them. Computers, TV broadcasts, Wi-Fi , electrical appliances are all guilty.) These potentially disrupted fields in our bodies, negatively effect the trillions of subtle, electrical communications that are a vital part of the healthy function of our body’s systems.

Improves and accelerates recovery from intense athletic activity – giving our body the help it needs to keep moving forward.

Lessons hormonal and menstrual cramps – a real plus for those that suffer.

Beyond the physical benefits realized, this shared connection with Mother Earth helps align us with the greater network of higher intelligence. This is the same intelligence that animals use to tap into to sense storms and earthquakes and migratory species use to navigate and it is freely available to all of us and via our direct physical connection to Mother Earth.

Mother Nature is truly bountiful and provides everything we and our immune systems need to thrive and function properly – keeping our minds sharp with clarity and our bodies high in energy and vitality, allowing us to live the life we dream – whatever that is.

Here’s another quote from Yogi Bhajan that sums it up nicely:

“Heaven is my father, Earth is my mother. My parents are alive and well. If they can take care of my cherry tree, they can definitely take care of me.”

Most of us are aware that the best approach to maintaining superior health is one that involves maintaining healthy body weight throughout life, eating a healthy diet, avoiding stress as much as possible and having sufficient physical activity in our lives. Unfortunately, although most are aware, few implement these tactics in ways that actually pay off in the long-term.

“Activate The Self Healing Process Within You” is a program designed to change that. This empowering program teaches you how to regain the level of superior health that every single one of us SHOULD be enjoying.

No matter which side of the danger zone you are on, it’s not too late to reverse the aging process. You just need to decide that having your body deteriorate, and you health falter, is NOT in your future. Only you can take action to shift your life.

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