
Although diet is the primary player in the war against fat and weight loss, eliminating and controlling your food intake alone does not get the job done. Exercise must be included.

There are key benefits you’ll gain when adding exercise to your dieting and food choice equation.

Key Benefits

Muscle Mass Retention

Lose the fat, retain the muscle.

The primary reason you should be adding exercise to your protocol is because of the impact it has on lean muscle mass tissue. This of course applies primarily to strength training exercises. Although you gain benefits from cardio exercise, you won’t get the same positive impact that strength training provides your muscles.

Strength training actually sends a message to the body that it must maintain its lean muscle mass as best as it can because it will need that lea muscle mass to complete everyday activities. The chances of you losing close to 100 percent pure “fat mass” is much higher when you’re strength training.

With muscle mass retention comes a higher level of functional strength and a fit and firm looking body – isn’t that what you are after?

Metabolic Enhancement

Nothing helps you progress faster than turning your body into a fat burning engine and that’s exactly what exercise does. Those who choose to exercise while dieting maintain their resting metabolic rate better than those who diet alone. Crash diets essentially cause your metabolism to “crash” and dieting without exercise causes it to crash far harder than it would otherwise.

Exercise boosts your metabolic rate while you are exercising and it stays elevated for up to 48 hours after working out depending on the type of workout performed. With increased muscle mass on your side you’ll sustain a higher metabolic rate permanently. This make it easier to maintain the weight loss you do lose.

Appetite Control and Regulation

Steady state cardio training does not burn nearly as many calories as people believe.

In fact, hours and hours of cardio training only leads to increased hunger. When you’re finished, you’ll want to eat everything in-site. As you can imagine, this does not help one bit with your fat loss battle. If you go on to reward yourself with a bunch of carbs, you’ll only undo the hard work you accomplished.

However, smart exercise training or shorter duration of intense interval cardio training offers appetite reduction benefits. Most people find that in the hours following a session, they are not as hungry for food so they don’t consume those extra unneeded calories. This helps to sustain your lower calorie diet and prompts weight loss.

Elevate Your Mood

chfitness-healthWhen you’re exercising regularly, you’ll be treating yourself to a dose of feel-good endorphin’s flooding your system. This elevates mood, combats stress and makes you feel better as a whole. The better you feel while on dieting, the more likely you are to stick with it long-term.

Once you are in a regular routine, it becomes easier to stick it and you’ll notice how much better you feel on days you do exercise as opposed to days you don’t.

Enjoy Health Benefits

If health is important to you, (and, why wouldn’t it be?), you must get exercise into your equation.

Exercise improves your health in so many ways including everything from strengthening your bones to boosting your heart health and function.

Exercise helps to lower your risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease, stroke, and hypertension. You could even think of it as a powerful dose of medicine for disease prevention. Those that exercise have a significantly decreased risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

In truth, a full book could be written on the health benefits of exercise alone.

The truth is, dieting is important if you want to lose fat/weight, but exercise is a must to enhance the diet effects that you’ve worked so hard to see.

Your body has the potential and the power, to slow down the aging process and restore itself to a level of wellness that it may no longer be experiencing. Superior health. the kind that pays off long-term, involves maintaining healthy body weight throughout life, eating a healthy diet, and having sufficient physical activity in our lives.

“Activate The Self Healing Process Within You” is the “instruction manual” for making it happen. It contains “simple Lifestyle Strategies to help resist aging and maintain superior health.” You’ll learn the best techniques for preparing your body to defend itself against disease no matter how insidious the threat.

The information here, when implemented as suggested, will be life changing and you will enjoy greater health like never before.