
The one factor missing from mainstream diets and exercise programs, is the importance of understanding the power of the mind in assisting, healing and repairing the body and its systems.

Weight loss included. Losing weight happens from the inside out, not the outside in. Permanent weight loss only happens when the cause of the weight gain is addressed first. 

The problem must be addressed at the root…the cause, located deep in the subconscious mind. The self-beliefs and hidden thought patterns that are not serving you well – that’s what needs addressing.


The subconscious is the repository of all thoughts, emotions, feeling and self-beliefs. They are what drives your actions or inaction’s…including those about food and exercise every day.


Unfortunately, this inherited wisdom contains much misinformation about nutrition, dieting and what proper exercise really is mixed in with some plain old self-delusion. If you are currently overweight, it’s likely that this faulty inner mind programming has led you to turn to food at times when you are not really hungry. Basically, the problem is that  your inner mind templates and patterns associated with food, exercise and nutrition are working against your efforts rather than for you.

You may be eating the wrong types of foods or possibly just too much of them. Maybe you’ve developed a habit of avoiding exercise. Whatever it is…these are the things in your lifestyle that will need to be changed if you want to lose weight and keep it off permanently.

Just the desire to exercise and lose weight or discover how much we need to eat is simply not enough for us to actually achieve it. Action steps are the only thing that will work. You will need to take a trip deep inside of yourself and find out what makes you tick if you are to get to the cause.


Power of Perception

Any long-standing perceptions about food, nutrition and exercise must be confronted and changed. The attitudes, habits, feelings and assumptions that are influencing your relationship with food and shaping your lifestyle in a negative manner.

Address this part of you first and losing weight becomes easier and more permanent.

Once you begin shifting your perceptions and dropping new healthier thoughts and ideas into your subconscious mind they grow and intensify. Before long, you’ll find yourself automatically making better choices concerning your eating habits. Exercise becomes more appealing to you so you do it more.

The idea is to reprogram your mind with the goal of becoming a slim, fit person living in a healthy, feel-good body. Once you do, you’ll be begin making decisions that lead you directly to it without even having to think about it.


Easy and effortless weight loss becomes yours if you spend the proper time cleaning out the inside first.


Maintaining a healthy weight is mandatory to living a long vital, healthy life. However, dieting and other mainstream weight loss techniques involve a lot of stress on the human body and the sad thing is they do not even work. As much as 95 percent of people who diet fail to lose any significant weight for the long-term using these tactics.

Shifting the mind/mental concept on the other hand is a new, unique and productive approach to losing weight and keeping it off.

Weight loss begins in the mind and if there is resistance at the subconscious level it will sabotage all efforts time and time again. The truth is, restoring the health of the mind must precede restoring of the health of the body.

Master how to create a weight loss mind-set and you’ve taken care of 90 percent of the problem of weight loss resistance. Once that is in place…the remaining 10 percent…healthy eating and exercise, become super easy to do.

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