If you find that it’s way too easy to avoid your exercise routine, it’s likely that you’re approaching your day backwards.

You are trying to get your work-out routine in long after your day has begun. By doing this, you open the door to all kinds of unexpected excuses, distractions and temptations that come up throughout the day, and now you have to generate the energy to move past these “dream stealers” so you can stick to your original plan.

But wait, your energy reserves are already low for the day because everything you’ve done to that point…all the problem solving you’ve done at work, the grocery shopping, the appointments, they have all tapped your energy reserves leaving you little if any energy to “fight” off these lame excuses or distractions. Guess what? When excuses are given the upper hand, your workouts get ditched.

So, how do you get around this dilemma? What’s the magic equation?

You get your priorities in order with your health and well-being at the top of the list. That makes exercise a priority – before any other outside responsibilities. No shopping, work duties or appointments are more important than the gift of health and fitness you are giving yourself. That means rising early and exercising first thing in the morning – before anything else gets a share of your energy reserves.

Being in control of your energy and how you use it is a super-empowered feeling.

But the best thing of all is, this super-empowered feeling translates to super-productivity for the day.

You have found the magic equation to success.

Richard Branson, the super-entrepreneur who has built eight separate billion-dollar companies starting at the young age of 20 (how’s that for productivity?) had this to say when asked “How do you become more productive?”

After a long pause he simply stated “work-out.” Here’s a man who is one of the busiest men on the planet – constantly on the move operating companies all around the world yet he credits working-out as the biggest contributor to staying productive and healthy and his number one way of maintaining a great work-life balance. He goes on to say that his work-outs produced 4 additional hours of productive time daily. That’s a lot of hours over a year’s time!

But it’s not just the working-out that he mentions. He adds “Over my 50 years in business I have learned that if I rise early and exercise first I can achieve so much more in a day and therefore in my life.”

And, research backs him up. Studies prove that “morning people” (those who rise early) are more productive people. They make more money, live longer, healthier lives and are happier and more satisfied with life. Richard Branson is a prime example of that.

Because exercise also boosts your feel-good endorphin’s, it improves your mood and puts you in a great frame of mind, it’s the perfect way to start your day. As Branson states, “there is nothing like a hit of endorphin’s and the endorphin rush you get from exercising.”

But the early-morning endorphin boost is just one benefit of exercise.

Other benefits include:

Clarity: your mind thinks faster with better clarity

Energy: your energy gets a super boost so you have more endurance and stamina for the day

Creativity: your creativity is enhanced because your brain is functioning better

Sleep: you fall asleep quicker and sleep more soundly allowing your body and mind to feel fresh and happy the next morning and ready for your next workout

Focus: concentration and focus are stronger

Problem solving and decision making: both of these “mind tasks” become easier when you have clarity of mind

Stress and anxiety: You’ll be less stressed and eliminate feelings of anxiety and worry before they build up and damage your health

With all the benefits that exercise offers, it’s easy to see how making it a priority first thing in the morning kick starts your day the healthiest and most productive way. It helps you become the best, happiest version of you – more youthful, dynamic and ready to conquer the world.

And the best thing of all, as a super-productive person you’ll be making more money with more time to spend it!

The equation for success is simple: Focus on YOU first! Start your day with healthy physical activity – before the world’s demands derail your intentions, and you set yourself up for maximum productiveness from your day.

As Sir Richard says: “if your body is sharp, your brain will be sharp.”

Sleep your morning away and put exercise at the bottom of your priority list and you’ll open the door to all types of excuses and distractions, setting yourself up for defeat.

So, what are you waiting for? Success is neatly wrapped up and waiting patiently in your next early morning workout routine.

If there is one healthy habit you should nurture, this is it. It will positively feed all your other daily actions, responsibilities, duties and decisions. It’s a good thing!

Most of us are aware that the best approach to maintaining superior health is one that involves maintaining healthy body weight throughout life, eating a healthy diet, and having sufficient physical activity in our lives. Unfortunately, although most are aware, few implement these tactics in ways that actually pay off in the long-term.

“Activate The Self Healing Process Within You” is a program designed to change that. This empowering program teaches you how to regain the level of superior health that every single one of us SHOULD be enjoying.

No matter which side of the danger zone you are on, it’s not too late to reverse the aging process. You just need to decide that having your body deteriorate, and you health falter, is NOT in your future. Only you can take action to shift your life.

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