toned muscles2A strong and healthy immune system is our greatest health asset yet maintaining optimal immunity in today’s modern, hectic world is turning out to be one of our greatest health challenges.

Our immunity is interconnected with digestive, hormonal, cellular, neurological, energetic, cardiovascular and cognitive health and much more. Scientists are still discovering intriguing and far-reaching powers of the immune function.

The immune system is responsible for protecting us from illness and fighting off infections and foreign invaders. When our immune system is weakened through poor lifestyle choices, it leaves us in a vulnerable position in regards to our health.

In today’s busy, modern world, it’s more important than ever to have strong immunity. But, there are so many factors working against immune health. Who would believe that many of us actually spend as much as 80 percent of the day sitting – both at work and at home? The predominance of desk jobs has increased since electronic toys and computers took over contributing to a serious lack of physical activity. Unhealthy diets, poor lifestyle habits, exhaustion, environmental factors, stress and even drugs that were designed to protect us from germs and illness all work against immune health.

Poor lifestyle choices weaken our defenses against diseases such as cancer. Cancer cells are natural and our body deals with them every day. It has numerous natural defenses to find and destroy these cancerous cells. It actually “cures” cancer every single day without chemicals. However, in order to do that, a heathy immune system is absolutely needed.


The food we eat, the substances we are exposed to and our level of physical activity are what impacts the body’s production and function of hormones, inflammatory substances and immune factors, all with the power to promote or prevent disease.


You can avoid ever becoming a statistic by taking an active role in reducing your personal disease risk. You do this by making changes in diet, exercise routine and other lifestyle choices…such as not smoking.


Muscles are Mandatory

It’s no secret that muscles are necessary for body strength and there’s no prettier picture than a strong toned body but what is not so well known is that muscles serve as our armor and defense against disease too. Our muscles are the storage sites for the amino acid glutamine and other proteins that are the immune systems fuel source. The more toned and strong your muscles are the more plentiful the supply is and the greater your protection. Should you get sick, you’ll have plenty of stored protein in your tones muscles to call on when needed to help fight and recover from illness.

Lack of muscle building and maintaining activity causes a shrinking and weakening of the muscles. Because the strength of the muscular system is interconnected with the immune system function, any reduction in physical condition means a weakening of this system and an open door to disease.

Just two changes, adopting proper challenging exercise and eating better quality foods combined can give strength to the weak, energy to the tired, health to the sick and youthfulness to older people.

A challenging strengthening exercise program is the best way to reboot your entire body strength and bolster disease protection. It engages the muscles directly and helps keep hormone levels healthy.

Muscles are mandatory. If you truly want to avoid disease down the road of life, you must keep your muscles in tip-top condition – strong and toned at all times. They are the essential ingredient for a healthy immune system and the ability to combat disease.

Neither you nor I can buy back health. The truth is, no amount of money will return your body to its healthy state once cancer or another debilitating disease strikes. This is why MAINTAINING superior health should be the number one strategy when it comes to preparing your body to deal with the threat of all types of chronic and life-threatening diseases.

If you ready to tap into the power of your self-healing processes in order to MAXIMIZE your level of health, I am here to help…

“Activate The Self Healing Process Within You” is an empowering program that reveals “Simple Lifestyle Strategies” to help resist aging and maintain superior health.” Inside this powerful program, you’ll discover the best techniques for preparing your body to defend itself against disease no matter how insidious the threat.