
Strong muscles are key to living a healthy, vital and active life – they serve us in many ways. They are the tools we use to perform everything from playing with children and grandchildren to hiking with friends, swimming, golfing and other activities. Without healthy muscle strength, carrying groceries, doing gardening or basic household chores becomes difficult if not impossible.

Muscles are what shape us and gives a pleasant appearance to our bodies. They help us perform physical tasks optimally, making everyday activities easier. They also burn glucose (blood sugar) for energy. All these things contribute to keeping us looking and feeling good.

Healthy toned muscles offer one more thing…they are the major driving force behind our fat burning mechanism – our metabolism.

Without a strong metabolism, it’s impossible to maintain a healthy weight, feel good and look good.

4dessertsYour metabolism must be kept humming and burning calories and fat and the more toned muscle tissue you possess, the more efficiently your body does just that – burn fat. The faster your metabolism (the body’s engine) – the more calories you’ll burn.

This allows you to eat a reasonable quantity of food without gaining excess weight. You’ll be able to enjoy treats now and then without feeling guilty or gaining weight.



Metabolic Fitness

“Metabolic fitness”…is something we should all be striving to achieve, but it won’t happen on its own nor will it happen overnight by accident.

Although genetics plays a part in how fast or slow your metabolism might be operating, it’s lifestyle choices that really matter. Lifestyle choices effect the health of your metabolism in a positive or negative way – particularly when it comes to exercise and nutrition.

It doesn’t matter whether you are male or female, muscle tissue needs conscious attention because it automatically deteriorates at almost every stage of life. If it is to be maintained, it must be used properly and consistently. Strength training does just that. It will rebuild any muscle lost. If we don’t focus on rebuilding the muscle lost over time, our life-force is slowly drained away and continues to decrease while the chance of disease or other related ailments increases.

Strength training (combined with cardiovascular for heart and lungs) exercise offers other benefits. It not only improves a person’s physical appearance and overall health, but emotional health and well-being also benefit and improve. Sleep becomes deeper and you’ll sleep longer without waking. When you do awaken, you’ll be refreshed and ready for the day with clarity of mind and strong toned muscles to tackle whatever tasks come up throughout your day.

Any age group can benefit from strength training. Even those who are currently experiencing less than perfect health can benefit from an exercise program that includes strength training.

Stop using your muscles and your body becomes less efficient at burning calories allowing excess fat weight to accumulate.


Keys to a healthy metabolism:

Proper strength training

Nutrient dense eating

Cardio interval exercise

Active lifestyle

All of the above are important elements to turning the body into a fat-burning machine. Finish the list off with “consistency” and you have a powerful equation for an awesome appearance, healthy metabolism, metabolic power, disease resistance and extended longevity.

It doesn’t get any better than that.

If you have not already addressed the roles that exercise and diet/nutrition play in your health and longevity, it’s time you did.

“Activate The Self Healing Process Within You” is the “instruction manual” for making it happen.

It contains “simple Lifestyle Strategies to help resist aging and maintain superior health.” You’ll learn the best techniques for preparing your body to defend itself against disease no matter how insidious the threat.

The information when implemented as suggested, will be life changing and you will enjoy greater health like never before.