

You cannot be healthy if you are out of balance. The only way to get balanced is to address all sides of yourself and your needs – your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual needs. Meditation does just that.

Even if you only give minimum time to the exercise of meditation, you’ll reap the powerful benefits that this inner exercise offers.



Set aside some time each day that you call your own. Find a quiet spot indoors or out and remove your attention from your anxieties, worries, frustrations and all your cares. Use this time to sit quietly without entertaining thoughts (good or bad). Allow your mind to rest and be at peace. This kind of focus dials down your energy because you are not wasting it on fleeting, unnecessary thoughts. Thoughts will come, but rather than entertain them, simply allow them to flow on through. Focus on your breath, both the in-breath and the out-breath.

If you find yourself entertaining a thought – if some thought captures your attention and takes you away from “peace,” then know that it is at the moment of recognition that you moved back into alignment with peace. Just move forward from there giving no more thought to it.

Ten minutes should be the minimum time frame that you set aside for inner meditative practice daily. It’s your time to “recharge” and balance your energy reserves. It’s also the best way to start your day. Your day will go much smoother if you give yourself 5-10 minutes each morning to top off, connect and align with your inner strength, the strength that will be “driving” all your actions that day.



Don’t worry about feeling “awkward” and “out of control” at first. Everyone does initially. And, everyone wants to give up too.

And, that’s where self-discipline comes in. Sticking with it through the “tough times” is good mind discipline and strengthens your “will” and makes the “sweet times” all that sweeter. You will get there, it gets easier the more you do it. Your mind eventually gives in to the “peace” you keep offering it and before you know it, 20 minutes goes by in no time at all.

When you place a battery in “charge” mode or on a charger base, the battery is no longer focused in “action” mode but it is now in “receptive” mode.  It is busy making itself strong again by recharging and building its energy reserves. You and I are no different. We need to make sure we are balanced – with both active and receptive times. After demanding projects and people, we must take time for our-self minus any demands so that we can be receptive and recharge (strengthen our connection) our “inner battery reserves” building strength again.


It’s not necessarily the length of time that defines how powerful energy reserves become but the depth of peace that is reached when meditating. The stronger your “charge” is, the longer it will last. It’s not the “longer you charge the stronger you are” but “the stronger your charge the longer it lasts.”



Just ten minutes out of your day focused in meditation empowers you to:

Combat the aging process – Meditation improves, memory, increases focus and attention span and reduces age-related cognitive decline.

Slow the onset and development of disease

Lower your risk factor for depression

Combat anxiety and stress

Increase immune strength and resilience

Along with quiet moments of meditation where you are in “receptive” mode, allowing yourself to rest in total peace you also need time to play and just enjoy life. This is another powerful way to recharge, so give yourself some time daily to play, do your favorite things and “love life.”

Although most people know the dangers of allowing their health to slide, but they simply do nothing to avert an impending catastrophe in their lives.

If you ready to tap into the power of your self-healing processes in order to MAXIMIZE your level of health, I am here to help. I can help you fortify your body so that it is well-prepared to defend against the threat of potentially life-endangering disease.

“Activate The Self Healing Process Within You” contains “simple Lifestyle Strategies to help resist aging and maintain superior health.” This powerful program, reveals the best natural techniques for preparing your body to defend itself against disease no matter how insidious the threat.

My goal in creating this empowering program is to help align your mind, body, and soul in such a way that motivation to take care of yourself and your loved ones is no longer an issue.