Still working on your treadmill but not seeing the results you want? Searching for a way to get toned and fit?

You’re not alone.

Treadmills are not your answer if you’re seriously looking at getting trim, fit and toned. The slow and steady cardio you perform on treadmills that takes up so much time, pays off slowly and doesn’t really move you forward.

If you’re really looking for results and you’re not afraid to work, it’s time to join the high-intensity, interval or sprint training movement – HIIT. This type of exercise is remarkably similar to strength training in terms of benefits, both aesthetic and health related.

The concept is simple:

The routine is brutal but quick. Exercise as hard and intensely as you can for a few minutes; recover long enough to stop sucking wind and then repeat.

Interval or sprint training helps give your cardiovascular fitness a much higher boost while also helping to increase your metabolic rate for up to hours after the workout is over.

Exercising intensely like this boosts your metabolism while building muscle quickly, so, for those looking to burn fat while they sleep, HIIT is the answer. Unlike treadmills, this type of high-intensity interval training (HITT), burns calories while performing, and continues to burn them for up to 24 hours afterward.

This cardio protocol is a superior option when compared to other cardio routines offering:

Low time commitment

High intensity workouts

Maximum results

As you can imagine sprint/interval workouts have you working very hard for a brief period of time and then adding active rest periods between each working interval.

This allows you to push 110 percent during the work interval (your intensity) and then back off and allow for a rest period to occur where you recover and push hard once again.

Typically, sprint training can be completed using any form of cardio training medium that allows you to get up to top speed quickly. Uphill springing or cycling on a spinning wheel are both excellent examples of HIIT training. The main point is that you can’t take too long to get to top speed otherwise your interval will be almost over by the time you do.

Another excellent way to perform sprint/interval training is through the use of body-weight, conditioning exercises.

You could perform a series of burpees, mountain climbers, squat jumps, lunge jumps and so on. This would help you work multiple muscle groups and get your heart rate up.

The work intervals of interval/sprint type of training should last for between 30-60 seconds with the shorter the interval being done, the higher intensity being seen. Then pair this with an active rest interval of 60-120 seconds – so basically twice the length of the work interval.

This set-up is then repeated 5-10 times to form the complete workout, starting with a 5-8 minute warm-up and finishing with a 5 minute cool-down.

Adding this workout protocol into your routine once per week can bring about great gains in your fitness and health level.

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