When you hear the term “life satisfaction” (your level of happiness) what comes to mind? What are your immediate thoughts? What do you believe contributes the most to your own personal life satisfaction? What would bring you permanent happiness and inner contentment?

The immediate response for many is being successful and having lots of money. 

While, there’s no denying that having enough money to make ends meet is very important for overall life satisfaction and helps alleviate a lot of stress, there is not a high correlation between making an overabundance of money and true happiness and contentment.

In fact, in many cases, the opposite holds true.

Those who make the most money find themselves unhappy because other areas of their life have suffered and not been successful, namely, their health and personal relationships. For the most part, they have sacrificed their health and relationships while opting to pour themselves into acquiring money and success as their priority.

If you were given the choice between financial wealth or physical health, which one would you prioritize?

The reality is, you can have all the money in the world, but if your health starts to go, there’s nothing you can do (in many cases) to get it back. Without your health, everything becomes harder in life…including enjoying all the extravagant things that your hard-earned wealth can buy.

Without health, all the money in the world accounts for nothing. It cannot buy health, and without health, life satisfaction in regards to happiness is severely compromised. These factors need to be firmly understood so that the true importance of maintaining a proper nutrition and fitness plan is understood. They are the keys to staying healthy. Both these elements must be embraced for true health to express.

Experiencing happy and positive times, sharing our personal joy of life with friends and loved ones and embracing their “joy” by doing the things that give them the most pleasure contributes to our happiness. Declining and deteriorating health limits and often prevents us from enjoying these things. It steals away these precious moments as “joy” of the moment turns into “fear of the future.”

Deteriorating, downward spiraling health becomes the dictator and focus of our time and energy rather than creating and enjoying happiness.

The state of our health is not static, it is fluid and ever changing and must be tended to.

Lifelong health is dependent on eating healthy, nutritious foods, and maintaining strength through physical fitness. This leads to a healthy mental and emotional state which promotes happiness. You won’t lose your determination or drive to succeed in business or the will to amass a comfortable living/bank account…you’ll multiply it with renewed energy and zeal.

Truth is, “Health is not everything but everything is nothing without health.” Health is indeed our greatest wealth. We must embrace this fact and prioritize it to the top of our lists so that our successes can be appreciated and happiness can be enjoyed to its fullest.

Ask any wealthy person who suffering with illness and they will tell you that wealth doesn’t mean anything unless accompanied by good health. No amount of money will save someone’s life if all treatment plans have failed. As Socrates said – “A healthy beggar is happier than an ailing King!”

We are each responsible for our own health and the only way to achieve it is to prioritize it. Health comes first, it is a “necessary condition” and the central key to enjoying life’s pleasures and increasing our happiness.

Money and success are enjoyed because one is healthy and this enjoyment of life is what contributes to happiness. Not the other way around.

Keep a pulse on your health. Nurture and take care of it. Eat healthy foods and participate in challenging exercise, and watch as everything else falls into place.

Most of us are aware that the best approach to maintaining superior health is one that involves maintaining healthy body weight throughout life, eating a healthy diet, avoiding stress as much as possible and having sufficient physical activity in our lives. Unfortunately, although most are aware, few implement these tactics in ways that actually pay off in the long-term.

“Activate The Self Healing Process Within You” is a program designed to change that. This empowering program teaches you how to regain the level of superior health that every single one of us SHOULD be enjoying.

No matter which side of the danger zone you are on, it’s not too late to reverse the aging process. You just need to decide that having your body deteriorate, and you health falter, is NOT in your future. Only you can take action to shift your life.

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