Unfortunately for our health, many of us sit motionless for most of the day, some even the majority of their waking hours.

Whether it’s surfing the web sitting behind a desk and keyboard or relaxing for hours in front of the TV, these types of sedentary, daily lifestyle habits is wrecking havoc on our muscles and bones and seriously affecting the way our hormonal system operates.

Hormones are major players and control much of how our body and mind functions from day to day and some of these are normally only released during vigorous physical activity.

Endorphin’s, for example, are nature’s “feel good” hormones. Manufactured in the brain, they are triggered and respond to many things, including physical activity and are empowered to calm and relieve stress. Working overtime, they elevate mood long after your exercise session is over, making it much easier to follow any action steps you’ve laid out towards achieving your goals. Much of our mental and emotional stability is dependent on the health of this hormone.

Unfortunately, because of the widespread lack of exercising prevalent in the general population resulting in low endorphin levels, we’ve experienced a marked increase in depression, a once rare condition that is now very common. With prescription drugs prescribed to combat the condition, it’s estimated that close to 10 percent of the western world now takes some type of mood-enhancement drugs. Not a healthy direction to be moving in.

When endorphin levels suffer, “happiness levels” tank with them. This resulting “happiness void” kicks in emotional eating which plays havoc with any attempts to follow a sensible and healthy eating plan and have you reaching for comfort foods – chocolate, ice cream and pizza.

Hormones are chemical messengers empowered to tell your body to store fat or burn it up for energy, so you’d do well to get acquainted with them and nurture their release.


Proper exercise will do the following:

Balance your body’s hormones. The better balanced your hormones are, the quicker and easier it is to lose excess weight.

Boost your metabolic rate/your body’s engine, making you burn more fuel (calories) every minute of the day and night.

Reduce stress, tension and anxiety.

Release “feel good” hormones that boost feelings of well-being.

Nurtures happiness with your lot in life – optimistic, enthusiastic, cheerful and positive.

Improves your quality of life and raises your self-esteem.

Promotes overall healthy, making it easier to lose weight and keep it off.

Exercise strengthens your self-motivation right to the core – exercise is not just a tool that makes you look better. The real power of exercise comes from making you feel better. When you feel good, everything in life is easier.

Harness the power of exercise, get it working for you and reclaim your strong, lean body. If you ever hope to see your nineties and beyond, you need to place high priority on how you exercise and stay strong.

It’s time to address the roles that exercise and diet/nutrition play in your health and longevity…

“Activate The Self Healing Process Within You” is the “instruction manual” for making it happen.

It contains “simple Lifestyle Strategies to help resist aging and maintain superior health.” You’ll learn the best techniques for preparing your body to defend itself against disease no matter how insidious the threat.

The information when implemented as suggested, will be life changing and you will enjoy greater health like never before.

For more tools and resources from Carolyn Hansen to assist you in attaining your goals and achieving the success you desire in life, please visit:

Carolyn Hansen Fitness