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Without a doubt, exercise is the key element is keeping the health of your body and mind in prime shape.

But exercise offers even more than that. It can single-handedly boost a sagging, sad social life by introducing you to the gym – the perfect environment to spice up and improve your life physically, mentally and socially.

The gym provides you with the proper tools that help create a healthy, toned body. But, the benefits don’t stop there. The gym is much more than just a place to fine tune your muscles.


Benefits you receive from gym membership:

benefitsPhysical fitness: nearly everyone who joins a gym does so with the idea of getting healthier and in better physical shape. With the proper program, in just a few short weeks your abs will be tighter and your arms and legs will be more toned and fit. Your stamina and physical strength increase while stress decreases.


Weight loss:

The machines at the gym offer you the ability to target whatever area of the body you want. To build lean muscle tissue, sculpt your body and boost your metabolism helping to shed unwanted pounds.

High Self-esteem and self-confidence:

It takes time and patience but once you start seeing the results of the work you are putting in, your self-confidence gets a positive hit and years of shyness can be shed. You’ll begin loving the reflection you see in the mirror and your self-esteem grows. Eventually the dread and pain you initially felt, turns to anticipation and exhilaration as you grow comfortable with your new toned body. You’ll begin looking forward to every trip to the gym.

Boost your social life:

The gym is the perfect place to meet like-minded people. Think about it. The gym is essentially filled with people who – at least in regards to health and fitness, believe a lot like you do. So, already you have common ground. With a built in excuse to talk, conversations will come easy and friendships will blossom. Join a class. It’s the perfect way to socialize and meet others.

Expert advice and assistance:

Injuries and unhappy results are generally caused by those who don’t know what they are doing. This is totally unnecessary because gym is filled with experts that are willing to share their knowledge. If you can, hire a trainer to get you off to the right start. Fitness professionals can answer your questions, correct your form and develop the right exercise routine for you. Many times a certain level of training is included with the cost of membership so be sure and check.


Some people love weights, some love machines, some love classes and the gym offers all of them. The variety of classes has exploded these days with some gyms offering Pilates and yoga as well as high intensity workouts.

Extra Amenities:

Besides a great variety of machines to choose from (also important to avoid boredom), most gyms offer more than work-out equipment. There are saunas and juice bars in many gyms with some even offering pools, tanning or child-care. You might even be able to shop for some quality supplements and sportswear after your workout.


Motivation is critical and the key to sticking with anything and exercise is no exception. Watching others reach their goals at the gym encourages you to stick with it until you reach yours.

Choosing a gym is a big decision. Ideally you should choose one that is close to home and or work and one that is affordable to your budget so that you are not pressured into quitting because of finances. It should offer the equipment or classes you are interested in. Be sure to check the credentials and reputation of the gym with others before joining.

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