If you are serious about boosting your self-healing processes you must get yourself started on a proper strength training exercise program.

Exercise is the number one self-healing and anti-aging strategy. It breaks down cellular tissue during every workout. However, exercise alone won’t get the job done. Your exercise efforts must be supported by a great diet, the number two anti-aging strategy.

These two together are empowered to rejuvenate all your body cells, tissues and organs and stop the aging process in its tracks.

Because exercise breaks down the cellular tissue during workout, the body’s innate ability to re-grow cells using building blocks provided by clean nutrition is the key to a younger, healthier body regardless of current age.

A younger healthier body is essentially a body that has regenerated its cells recently, and adopting a clean diet supports this quest. Everything you eat becomes the building blocks of your body. Therefore, the quality of food you consume is consequently reflected directly in both internal and external appearance.

Eating a diet consisting of primarily processed foods will shorten your lifespan. High fructose corn syrup – an ingredient in nearly all processed foods from frozen dinners to snacks, condiments and soda is literally a “death” ingredient yet 90 percent of the money spent by Americans on the foods they eat are spent on processed food.

Clean eating is key:

A youthful, fit lean body at any age requires fresh and natural produce to supply quality protein, good carbohydrates and healthy fats.

A clean diet is one made up of natural foods – those provided by Mother Nature herself and untouched by man.

They have not been chemically altered, preserved, or fried. No added sugars, flavors additives, thickeners nor stabilizers. This goes for all foods and beverages consumed.

Nature’s bounty will not carry a large label either. These nutrient dense foods don’t come in a box, are not frozen, canned or bagged nor will they sport fancy graphics.

Fresh vegetables, fruits, eggs, raw nuts and seeds as well as organic meats, fresh fish and free range poultry provide our bodies with the nutrients needed to function healthily and give our body energy rather than depleting us of our vitality.

If you truly want to experience change in your health and fitness, you need to engage in clean eating most of the time. That means around 80 percent of your meals need to be clean. You can start off lower than this and build over time as you swap out your nutrient poor food for nutrient dense ones.

Your healthy diet will be reflected in your body shape, skin condition, radiance and glow and it will support the ongoing self-healing processes on the inside of your body.

You’re healthy will be improving from the inside where it may not be visible. It will give you not only a higher quality of life and maximum self-healing but a young body as well.

Slowing down the aging process and improving one’s health is no longer something addressed after a health scare has occurred nor do you wait till later in life to make things right.

You need to take active steps now that ensure you build your natural and ongoing self-healing capability from as early an age as possible.