If you’re like the average individual, you’ve never given your blood glucose levels a second thought. That’s because you’ve been trained to believe (like the rest of us) that diabetics are the only ones that have to worry about monitoring blood sugar levels.

Truth is, if you’ve never given it a second thought before, you need to pay closer attention.

New research reveals that one in four people has pre-diabetes and if this trend continues, one in three people will be diagnosed with diabetes in our lifetimes. Because so many aren’t aware they are affected, they doing nothing to halt its damaging progress, so diabetes is the now the fourth leading cause of global death.

Those affected have reduced life expectancy of around 15-20 years.

If you currently find yourself tired a lot of the time, or you’ve become a slave to food cravings and the roller coaster of hunger daily, you may be suffering from unstable blood glucose levels.

This creeping blood sugar intolerance often displays no visible symptoms but is one of the most destructive changes to your body associated with accelerated aging and increased risk of disease.

There are four main factors that change the processing of blood sugar for the worse and the good news is…we are empowered to control them.

4 Factors

Not doing enough proper muscle building and maintenance exercise

Consuming a diet high in refined and processed foods that contain man made fats, sugars and starches

Allowing body fat levels to increase

Dealing poorly with mounting stress levels

If you have years of eating large amounts of refined carbohydrates and unbalanced meals behind you, your cells have likely become poor at processing sugar in the blood and you may be suffering with insulin resistance. This means that as levels of blood glucose increase, the insulin your body makes to bring these levels down becomes less effective requiring higher levels of insulin to do the job of clearing the sugar from the bloodstream.

This results in high levels of both sugar and insulin circulating around your body damaging arteries that lead to sensitive tissues and organs like the brain, heart, and kidneys. Going on the defense, the body then tries to maintain balance and reduces and shuts down the number of insulin receptors attempting to protect itself. This puts into play a vicious cycle of insulin production to force cells to take up excess sugar from the blood.

This further complicates and makes matters worse because insulin is a fat storing hormone so this leads to dangerous “belly fat,” (fat that is stored inside the abdominal cavity where it wraps around major organs like the heart and lungs hindering their proper functioning.)

This type of body fat is a clear indicator of insulin resistance and hormonal imbalances which unfortunately, can progress to serious health issues if not addressed.

Diabetes has been likened to an acceleration of the aging process because much of the degeneration in the arteries and major organs is due to the condition that mimics what happens when we age. Once you have this nasty disease, your life expectancy is considerably reduced at a rapid rate.

In a youthful healthy body, when blood sugar levels rise, insulin quickly lowers it and glucose is stored and retrieved easily. When your insulin works correctly, it keeps your blood sugar at a constant moderate level which gives constant sustained energy throughout the day.


Strong Muscles

The good news is, the problem can be averted. It requires positive action – the adaptation of proper exercise performed 2-3 times weekly.

This works the muscles directly and stimulates muscle cells to gobble up glucose form the blood. It is the mechanism that transforms previously insufficient amounts of insulin into adequate amounts to transport the glucose to muscle cells where it can be burned for fuel instead of remaining in the blood stream where it causes damage.

Muscle downgrading is a major contributing factor behind the current epidemic of, not only diabetes, but obesity and other and related diseases. It’s become crystal clear, that the benefits you get from your muscular system are essential to your health.

In other words, strength training exercise improves your body’s ability to control blood sugar levels and respond to insulin at every possible step in the process. And these are the keys to helping to prevent pre-diabetes as well as slowing the aging process.

Keeping your body in shape not only makes you feel younger and stronger, it just might save your life!

Your lifestyle choices can help prevent diabetes or put you at greater risk for it. It’s up to you to live a life that encourages superior health rather than disease.

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