We are continually subjected to poor air quality, chemically contaminated food and water, paint fumes, pharmaceutical drugs, pesticides, household cleaners, and heavy metals, these chemicals find their way into our bodies and silently hide out there for years causing unseen damage. 

Studies reveal that most of us store on average, between 400-800 chemical residues in our fat cells. These chemicals and heavy metals make up our total toxic burden. As these chemicals and toxins build up in our systems, they can cause all kinds of problems (regardless of body weight). This damage alters our metabolism (our body’s engine), causes enzyme dysfunction and nutritional deficiencies, creates hormonal imbalances, and lowers our overall threshold of resistance to chronic disease.

There are two primary ways the body takes action against these chemical invaders.

First, it tries to flush the toxins out.

If that doesn’t work, it tries to lock the toxins away.

If these toxic toxins continue to build faster than they can be eliminated and beyond a level with which the body’s detoxification pathways can cope, the body begins to dilute the amount of circulating toxins in an attempt to protect organs and tissues. It does this by diluting them and storing them in water and fat. Since the majority of these toxins are fat soluble, the body will also make new fat cells to store them in as far away from vital organs as possible.

The types of fat cells created and used for this waste storage are particularly stubborn and the body does not relinquish them easily. In fact, it can become nearly impossible to keep body weight down unless your total toxic load is decreased first and this is the reason why so many people struggle with weight-loss.

The last thing anyone one struggling to lose weight wants to hear is that something floating around in the body is preventing them from burning unwanted pounds of body fat. But, that’s exactly what toxins can do – hinder the efficiency of your fat-burning systems.

With an ever-increasing amount of toxins in the environment and foods we consume, it is not at all surprising to discover that many people’s level of toxicity surpasses the breaking-point that their body’s own natural detoxification system can cope with.

If these damaging substances are not eliminated, they continue to build up, clog us up, drag us down and in the long-term, can seriously damage our health. If the liver gets involved and overloaded, toxins begin circulating in the blood. Besides making us feel tired and sluggish, these toxins damage organs and glands, cause increased inflammation in the body, headaches, weight-gain and generally make us feel overall unwell.


How to detoxify the body:

Proper exercise – with a focus on weight-training (to improve the condition of the mitochondria – our little energy factories – to increase our metabolic fitness). When you work out, they work out. Strengthening the body and it’s sub-systems helps it to cleanse itself and function properly.

Clean eating – Aim to eliminate the amount of ingested foods that contain toxins (preservatives, pesticides) and wash your fruits and vegetables thoroughly. Antibiotics as well as heavy metals (mercury is increasingly found in some species of fish) should be avoided.

Grass fed and organic meats – enjoy good quality organic and grass fed meats to avoid added hormones and antibiotics – animals fed a diet of corn their bodies struggle to digest and must be fed massive quantities of antibiotics and other chemicals in order to tolerate their unnatural diet.  Sure, you’ll spend a little more initially, but when you realize the exchange is for great health, the price seems more than reasonable!

Choose unprocessed foods (non-man made) – in order to avoid preservatives, dyes, nitrates and a multitude of other harmful chemicals. Avoid white bread, rice, sugar and pastas. And, let’s not forget what we reach for when the sugar craving hits.  Stick with what Mother Nature provides.

Go natural – choose skin and hair products that do not contain chemicals and dyes since the skin is a source of absorption for these substances. In other words – what goes on your skin, goes in your skin, so choose wisely.

Consume nutritionals – that don’t use chemicals, additives or preservatives.

Bottom line is this:

To help your body detoxify focus on proper exercise – the kind that works the muscular system (in order to condition and strengthen the entire body). Eat plenty of fresh natural whole foods and avoid processed, and refined sugary foods. Consume plenty of water rather than fruit juices and soda.

Forget about what you should not be doing or eating and focus instead on what you should be eating and doing. This will keep your so buy you simply will not have time to do anything but stay on track!

It’s time to address the roles that exercise and diet/nutrition play in your health and longevity…

“Activate The Self Healing Process Within You” is the “instruction manual” for making it happen.

It contains “simple Lifestyle Strategies to help resist aging and maintain superior health.” You’ll learn the best techniques for preparing your body to defend itself against disease no matter how insidious the threat.

The information when implemented as suggested, will be life changing and you will enjoy greater health like never before.

For more tools and resources from Carolyn Hansen to assist you in attaining your goals and achieving the success you desire in life, please visit:

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