

Every day we encounter any number of toxic substances either in the air we breathe or through an unhealthy diet full of unnatural substances that we subject our bodies to through diet.

These “stressors” create oxidative effects in our body similar to a rusting car whose shiny new coat has broken down over time allowing rust to appear and steal both its beauty and youth.


Antioxidants are “warrior molecules” that help to defy this destructive process in the body. They serve to neutralize free radicals that lead to oxidative damage thus improving health significantly.


Antioxidants fight the oxidation process in the body. This chemical reaction can cause damage to the cells of your body and is is accelerated by destructive lifestyle habits such as cigarette smoking.

Free radicals are free-loading, damaging scavengers. They sport an odd number of electrons and can be formed when oxygen interacts with molecules. The simple act of breathing and breaking down the foods we eat creates free-radicals (molecules with unpaired electrons). Like lined-up dominoes, these highly reactive radicals can cause a chain reaction to occur. The major concern is the damage they cause when they react with cellular components such as DNA or with the cell membrane.



When younger, our bodies produced superoxide dismutase/SOD, a super defense system that reined in free radicals. But as we age, the SOD that normally keeps free radicals in check does not work as well leaving free radicals to damage our cells. When the damage is too much and the production of free radicals goes beyond the protective mechanisms of the body, the cells die and eventually with enough damage we do too.

Antioxidants are involved in preventing this type of cellular damage that otherwise paves the way for premature aging, cancer and a host of other disease. These “warrior” molecules safely interact with damaging free radicals and stop the chain reaction from occurring before any vital molecules are effected and damaged.

It stands to reason that if we wish to live longer, healthier lives that we must eliminate the damage done by free radicals. Since they are a natural result of many bodily functions, including breathing, eliminating them altogether is obviously not possible. Even though you cannot eliminate their production, you can control their destruction with the power of antioxidants. Vitamin C, E and beta-carotene offer a wealth of antioxidants with the power to clean up and neutralize free radicals.



So, what are the best sources of antioxidants? Not surprisingly, Mother Nature provides a wealth of powerful antioxidants in fresh fruits and vegetables. In fact, antioxidants can primarily be found in plant foods. Other foods such as nuts and some oils contain antioxidants as well but they are not to the level that you would receive from fresh produce.

The main micronutrient/vitamin antioxidants, vitamin E, beta-carotene and vitamin C are all nutrients that must be supplied in the diet since the body is not capable of manufacturing them.

The more of these nutrient dense powerhouse foods you consume, the higher your antioxidant intake will be. It’s best to eat a variety of colored fruits and veggies because each one provides their own unique antioxidant power. You’ll give your weakened super-oxide dismutase or SOD a real boost.

The truth is, you cannot buy back your health. No amount of money can return your body to its healthy state once cancer or another debilitating disease strikes. This is why MAINTAINING superior health should be the number one strategy when it comes to preparing your body to deal with the threat of all types of chronic and life-threatening diseases.

Most of us know already that the best approach to maintaining this kind of superior health is one that involves maintaining a healthy body weight throughout life, eating a healthy diet, and having sufficient physical activity in our lives.

Although most people know this, they fail to implement it in any way that actually pays off in the long term.

If you ready to tap into the power of your self-healing processes in order to MAXIMIZE your level of health…

“Activate The Self Healing Process Within You” was created with you in mind. It contains “simple Lifestyle Strategies to help resist aging and maintain superior health.” Inside this powerful and empowering program, you will learn the best techniques for preparing your body to defend itself against disease no matter how insidious the threat.