HGH levels

If you are serious about slowing the aging clock, keeping your energy levels high and your physique in check then keeping your youth-enhancing HGH level high should be number one on your list.

HGH is the human growth hormone whose primary role is the growth of bodily tissues. Secreted by the pituitary gland it is a vital component of the human endocrine system. It increases muscle mass and bone density and is at its highest peak when we are younger and growing rapidly. It begins to slowly decrease as we age. Once we reach our thirties, we enter “somatopause” the point at which our HGH levels begin to drop off dramatically. By age 55, HGH shrinks to a measly 20 percent of what it was initially!

As our levels of HGH dive, we experience a 30-50% loss of precious muscle mass while experiencing a 10-15% increase in body fat. Our immune function is compromised, our sleep cycles get disturbed and bone we experience a decline in bone density.

This tendency to increase body fat mass while decreasing muscle mass as we age, causes changes in our body composition. This in turn opens the door to many different types of diseases such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Basically, as you begin to age and look older as your HGH production declines.

HGH on the other hand, produces changes that are the exact opposite. It increases lean muscle tissue and decreases body fat. Not many hormones can do both.

This powerful hormone has the potential to pave the way for a healthier, stronger, younger body to take hold. It regenerates and repairs cells, makes muscles firm, skin tight, bones strong and joints healthy and the great news is, you can learn how to boost your levels of HGH naturally and safely.

One of the best ways to benefit from the release of HGH is with proper challenging resistance exercise.


Strength Training is Key

Strength training is one of the most powerful and important things you can do to help slow the aging process from within and it is the only activity with the power to stop the aging process and give you back that younger super healthy body. It will stimulate the release of human growth hormone and help your body to build more youthful muscle tissue and stimulate the hormones for self-healing.

This type of training uses resistance to strengthen and condition the muscular system. It can be achieved with free weights or resistance machines.

When resistance training, you need to be sure you are lifting the correct loads and rest periods in order to elicit the release of human growth hormone. Your exercises need to be compound exercises that involve more than one joint and engage more than one muscle group.

A final but important aspect to the production of HGH is rest. Nearly 75% of HGH is released is during REM sleep.


The formula to boost your HGH levels is easy:

Plenty of quality sleep nightly

Consistent challenging resistant training

A diet of the right foods that Mother Nature has provided us.

Isn’t it time to get serious about making the kind of changes in your lifestyle that will help you in every area of your life to stay as young, healthy and vibrant as possible?

No matter what your health state is at present, it is never too late to reverse the aging process. You just need to decide that having your body deteriorate, and your health falter, is NOT part of your future.

“Activate The Self Healing Process Within You” reveals simple Lifestyle Strategies to help resist aging and maintain superior health.” Inside this powerful and empowering program, you’ll discover the best techniques for preparing your body to defend itself against disease no matter how insidious the threat.