If you want to maximize your fat burning, energy, muscle building, or simply your overall well-being, eating properly to start your day is vital. In fact, the importance of getting your day started off right cannot be understated.

You would not expect your car to operate properly and get you where you need to go if you didn’t fuel it properly and the same goes for your body.

The truth is, your body cannot feel or function optimally if you aren’t giving it the proper foods that fuel it’s needs.


Breakfast is the answer. By eating a fulfilling and nutritious breakfast, you basically make sure you head out the door with a “full tank”… with your energy on high for hours to come.


On the other hand, head out that door with nothing more than some artificial energy (caffeine!) and you’ll be hitting a brand new low very shortly afterward.

Unfortunately, this is exactly the scenario for millions of people day in and day out. They pick up a cup of coffee as they head out the door and then mid-morning when their energy level tanks, they reach for a simple hit of sugar from their vending machine in the break room.


These damaging habits need to stop. Skipping breakfast will not make  it easier to maintain a reduced calorie intake throughout your day. If you thought is would, you might want to think again. The reality is, those who don’t eat well earlier on in the day are far more likely to overeat at night when the body does not need the energy.


Basically, they are starving their body when it needs energy (which means they’ll be more likely to use muscle tissue as a fuel source, breaking down lean muscle mass), and then feeding their body when they don’t need energy – exactly the time that they’ll be more likely to convert it to body fat stores.

Hopefully you can see how this is definitely not going to be a good recipe for body fat burning, but rather, an excellent recipe for full body weight gain, the opposite of what you are trying to achieve.

On the other hand, those who eat a healthy breakfast perform better throughout the day, and enjoy other benefits as well such as the ability to control their hunger throughout the remainder of the day.


As the saying goes, “eat breakfast like a king and dinner like a pauper” if you want to maintain an ideal body composition.Your morning meal should be the largest meal of your day, containing all three macro-nutrients, proteins, carbs, and healthy fat.


Avoid Simple Sugars

One thing that you do want to note about your morning meal however is that at this time, more than any other time, it’s going to be critical that you are not taking in simple sugars.

Because your body is sensitive to insulin at this time due to your normal circadian rhythm, if you do take a huge hit of sugary or simple carbs in, you will see higher blood glucose levels and the potential for problems will be there.

More than ever, first thing in the morning, focus on getting complex carbohydrates. Some fruit is fine if you enjoy a piece with your morning meal, but putting some oatmeal or chopped sweet potatoes made into “hash browns” is a wiser option. You should enjoy protein with every meal including breakfast.


Enjoy a Green Smoothie

Another way to start your day on a high note and give your body a boost of energy is to enjoy a morning green smoothie. Most people still do not get enough vegetables on a day to day basis and definitely don’t eat any vegetables at all with their morning meal, so drinking a greens smoothie during the day can help fix that deficiency and provide needed fiber as well.

Enjoying a morning green smoothie will also help improve the total nutritional intake you are maintaining on a day to day basis. Plus, it can replace fruit juice as your beverage choice, (which is too high in sugar to be considered healthy even if it is fruit sugar) or coffee, which you should avoid due to the caffeine content.

While caffeine can be good for a quick boost, taking it in habitually with your morning cup of coffee is just going to run down your central nervous system. So in reality, over time, it may actually simply make you more tired than pumping you up and getting you ready for your workout.

Love yourself enough to treat yourself to a healthy, robust breakfast to start your day or drink a green shake that provides you with long-lasting real energy that actually does your body good.

Skip the most important meal of the day, and it will come back to haunt you later on.

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