One of the greatest threats to your health comes in the form of one that is only imagined. However, the damage done to your body is every bit as real as a clogged artery.

This threat is stress.

Stress not only harms you and your health, it can actually cause you to fall over dead! It can literally speed up the thickening of plaque deposits on artery walls and put you directly in the path of a fatal coronary challenge when you are not expecting it. 

Stress is the bodies response to a perceived threat – one that may be real or imagined. From an evolutionary point of view, it was advantageous to develop a “flight or fight” response we could instinctively fall back on when presented with imminent danger like the appearance of a wild animal looking for its next meal. Because of this adaptation, on a moment’s notice, the adrenal glands pump out the adrenaline hormone to allow you to gain access to a large reservoir of energy to use to fight your way through to safety. At the same time, another hormone called cortisol is produced to recoup your energy expenditure by ramping up your appetite for high-calorie foods.

This pattern served us well in past times, but our modern lives get minimal exposure to real life-threatening scenarios. We are now subjected to a more or less continuous bombardment of imagined threats that keep the cortisol flowing around the clock.

And, high on the list for adding stress is our work environments. Truth is, work stress is a huge problem for many people. Unfortunately, it is also one of the most difficult sources of stress to get away from. Research reveals that those at the bottom of the totem pole of responsibility (those with less control) have greater levels of stress. The greater levels of stress you feel, the more unhealthy belly fat you tend to accumulate because cortisol stimulates the uptake of fat in the cells of the abdominal region.

As a result, the mortality rates among the least affluent working class are the highest and stress is to blame.

So, how can we effectively reduce the levels of stress in our lives?

Increase social engagement:
The mere act of sharing your daily woes with others is a great way to bring your troubled down to size and put them into perspective. You’ll feel a lot better once you realize that you are not the only person dealing with crazy situations and people.

Increase physical activity:
Exercise offers so many benefits including relieving stress levels. Adding moderately intense physical activity to your life is a great way to lower the level of circulating cortisol in your body and decrease stress levels.

Laugh a lot!
It is difficult to laugh and be stressed at the same time. Laughter releases stress…if only for a moment. Watch shows that make you laugh and keep you lighthearted.

Sleep longer and better:
Lack of sleep will amplify the little stresses in life and make them seem intolerable. Try hitting the pillow earlier at night. A great nights sleep can make a world of difference in your outlook and attitude towards life.

Eat healthy:
One of the well-recognized consequences of high stress is the development of cravings for comfort foods. Unfortunately, these foods are generally rich in simple carbohydrates which flood the brain with serotonin shortly after ingestion. The trouble is, these are some of the worst foods you can eat because they are fat-storing foods. The result is belly fat accumulation and worsening health issues.

When stress strikes, get into the habit of breathing deeply. Taking a few deep breaths helps you to breath slower as well as helping your muscles relax. Also, don’t be afraid to tap into the love of your family and friends. Talking with them about your problems can sometimes be all you need to see your problem in a new light and see solutions that you had not thought about.

Whatever you do, do something! Too many people do not take stress seriously until health issues surface because of it.

Most of us are aware that the best approach to maintaining superior health is one that involves maintaining healthy body weight throughout life, eating a healthy diet, avoiding stress as much as possible and having sufficient physical activity in our lives. Unfortunately, although most are aware, few implement these tactics in ways that actually pay off in the long-term.

“Activate The Self Healing Process Within You” is a program designed to change that. This empowering program teaches you how to regain the level of superior health that every single one of us SHOULD be enjoying.

No matter which side of the danger zone you are on, it’s not too late to reverse the aging process. You just need to decide that having your body deteriorate, and you health falter, is NOT in your future. Only you can take action to shift your life.

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