
No matter how fine-tuned our workout and nutrition goals are or how strong our commitment is towards achieving stellar health, if our actions are not aligned with our goals then these actions (lifestyle choices) will sabotage all our efforts and in the end, cost us any progress we’ve made.

The reality is, it’s our everyday activities and habits that occur over and over – (some so automatic we hardly pay attention) that create our lives…not what’s written on a piece of paper or imagined in our minds.

What imagined stays in the imagination unless it’s aligned with proper action.

In order to experience success, we must get all of our everyday activities/actions lined up with our goals so we are contributing towards them and not working against them.

Let’s take an honest, quick look at a few key helpful lifestyle tips/changes that might need attention.


Helpful Lifestyle Tips

Keep Alcohol Consumption to A Minimum –

Every time you take a drink of alcohol, your fat burning comes to an immediate halt because your body views alcohol as a toxin in the system and all processes – including fat burning come to an immediate halt when alcohol is consumed. Your body will have to remove the excess alcohol from your blood stream first before you go on to actually start burning fat again.

Alcohol also contains more calories per gram than both carbohydrates and dietary protein resulting in less than optimal fat loss results. Additionally, if its mixed drinks that you enjoy and serve then you’re also adding in sugar/fat to the equation. Once your body gets that sudden rush of sugar into your body – that sugar will either be burned off or stored. When combined with alcohol, the body will always burn off the alcohol first because it is toxic meaning that sugar gets converted straight into body fat storage – clearly bad news.

Another issue of concern is that alcohol impairs your judgement. When you consume it, you’re much more likely to give in to and consume foods that you wouldn’t otherwise eat that are detrimental towards your goals. Other than an occasional glass of wine during special times, you’d do well to avoid alcohol.

Monitor Stress Levels and Learn to Meditate –

man-meditating2If you are in a constant state of stress, you are creating an army of emotion that is working against reaching your goals. All it does, is set you up for harmful conditions such as high blood pressure, stroke and heart attacks and accelerates the aging process.

It increases the release of cortisol which is the fight or flight hormone and this constant flux of cortisol actually encourages your body to store excess fat in the abdominal region if levels are kept high enough. This in turn, destroys your fat burning results. If that’s not enough, when you are stressed, it causes you to eat with your “emotions” and not because of real hunger resulting unneeded calories.

Meditation is a powerful step you can take to avoid stress levels because it gets you in touch with your inner world where “peace” abides and once you train your mind to go there in meditation, you can call forth that “feeling’ whenever stress levels rise.

It places your otherwise “busy” mind into a state of stillness, relaxation and peace. It only takes 10-20 minutes of your time daily which is a small price to pay in exchange for developing stronger focus and concentration and eliminating damaging stress levels.

Learn to Say No –

Many people have difficulty saying “no” when needed. If asked to help with something, even if their own lives are filled to the max and they know for a fact they do not have time to take on extra work, they do it anyway and stretch themselves too thin.

If you find that you often fall into this pattern, it will only be a matter of time before you are burnt out and not feeling as you should when as you go about your workout and diet routines.  If you are on the go 24/7 with no down time, you won’t see the results you are aiming for.

Many times its stress that pushes people over the edge and to the point of over training – not their actual workout sessions. No one can benefit from someone’s help if they are stressed out. It’s you that you need to address first if you hope to help others.

And this brings me to the last tip for today about how to align the actions in your life with the commitments of your mind…

Simplify Your Life and Get Enough Rest –

Our modern lives pull us in multiple directions at once because of all the commitments we’ve made and goals we are trying to achieve etc. If you focus on one or two goals at a time, you’ll have the time you need to properly devote to what you are trying to achieve.

Learn how to say “no” when appropriate and simplify your life with less distractions and you’ll move towards your goals much quicker. You also need to make sure you are getting enough quality sleep each night. Lack of sleep will sabotage your efforts in a number of ways.

First off, your metabolic slows down and that means your fat burning ability slows down leading to stagnant results. Those who sleep less suffer from increases insulin resistance and have a greater tendency to store carbohydrates as excess body fat. You’ll also crave carbohydrate rich foods – namely, simple carbohydrates.

When your body is tired and not sleeping enough it knows well that the perfect way to get an instant energy boost is through sugar or simple carbohydrate consumption so that is what you reach for. It’s not your mind playing tricks on you – in this scenario, your body actually becomes prone to suffering from those food cravings.

All the above tips will helps you to make positive changes in your daily life that work to combat weight gain, achieve better health and get you feeling great on a day to day basis.

Losing weight and achieving your dream body does not need to be complicated as long as you are pushing forward to success and making small changes on a regular basis.

The key is to pay attention to your daily life and work at things on an ongoing basis to make sure that all the actions you take on a daily basis are a step towards your goals and not away from them.

If you ready to tap into the power of your self-healing processes in order to MAXIMIZE your level of health, I am here to help. I can help you fortify your body so that it is well-prepared to defend against the threat of potentially life-endangering disease.

“Activate The Self Healing Process Within You” contains “simple Lifestyle Strategies to help resist aging and maintain superior health.” This powerful program, reveals the best natural techniques for preparing your body to defend itself against disease no matter how insidious the threat.

My goal in creating this empowering program is to help align your mind, body, and soul in such a way that motivation to take care of yourself and your loved ones is no longer an issue.