
Exercise or the lack of it is going to have an influence in your life whether you want it to or not.

Truth is, when it comes to muscular strength, it’s a “use it or lose it” proposition. When you are not exercising on a regular basis, your body sees no reason to maintain its degree of muscular strength and quite rapidly begins to deteriorate and become weaker and weaker.

Within a mere 2-3 weeks of no physical training, speed endurance and strength levels decrease by a whopping 25-30 percent.

For those of you who have devoted time to exercise but are not doing it right now the scenario is not much better. In 2-8 months’ time you’ll notice some serious deconditioning as your body returns to a point you were before you ever started your exercise program.

Age plays a role too, the older you are, the faster you’ll lose it and the harder it is to get it back.

Bottom line is this: You’d be wise not to let your strength “slide” any longer. It’s time to begin to reverse this dangerous, health damaging trend.

Imagine what happens to those who don’t exercise for years. The decline they experience is exponential. Soon they won’t be able to perform even basic tasks that they’ve enjoyed and taken for granted most of their lives.

chfitness0It’s the loss of muscle mass in the largest muscle groups (lower body mainly) that causes a state of poor health to set in because the muscle to fat ratio has become unbalanced.

This is why many older people take on a “spider” look with thin legs and arms with an expanded midsection. Not a picture of health.



One of the biggest concerns about any lack of exercising is the condition of your heart and aerobic capacity.

Heart health is imperative – you can’t live without it – literally!

Although some heart health is very much nutrition related, exercise also influences things.

Regular exercise keeps your heart strong and better equipped to pump blood throughout your body. When you are not exercising, your stroke volume (which is an indicator of how much blood the heart is able to pump throughout the body with one single heartbeat) declines by up to 50 percent.

chfitness8And, the damage doesn’t stop there. In addition, your bodies resting heart rate increases, your cardiac output decreases and your overall VO2 max, (which is the amount of oxygen you are able to utilize on a day to day basis) declines.

The longer you stay away from your workouts, the lower your lactate threshold falls. This is the measurement of how long you can continue to exercise at an intense pace before extreme levels of fatigue set in.

Once this begins to drop, you won’t last long on any form of exercise you do. You’ll soon find it a struggle to do even moderate intensities of activity. Simply climbing a flight of stairs becomes a real challenge and has you puffing.

On the other hand, regular exercise strengthens the heart making it stronger and better equipped to keep pumping blood throughout the body.

Exercise is mandatory. It keeps your mind happy, and your heart humming and strength training exercise (resistance training) is key. It strengthens all the muscles of the body (including the heart), increases the density and health of the bones and improves balance and coordination.

Your body is your vehicle. It will be used to transport “you” for the rest of your life. You need to take that seriously.

Fortunately, Mother Nature has been kind – it’s never too late to “flip the switch” and get your body in peak condition so that your “health-span” matches your “life-span.”

Most of us are aware that the best approach to maintaining superior health is one that involves maintaining healthy body weight throughout life, eating a healthy diet, and having sufficient physical activity in our lives. Unfortunately, although most are aware, few implement these tactics in ways that actually pay off in the long-term.

“Activate The Self Healing Process Within You” is a program designed to change that. This empowering program teaches you how to regain the level of superior health that every single one of us SHOULD be enjoying.

No matter which side of the danger zone you are on, it’s not too late to reverse the aging process. You just need to decide that having your body deteriorate, and you health falter, is NOT in your future. Only you can take action to shift your life.