Excess weight puts a strain on all bodily systems, opens the door to many diseases, especially diabetes, and contributes to shortening lifespans. It is caused by carrying around too much fat and not enough muscle.  

We may personally experience fat areas such as thighs, buttocks or backs, but unfortunately, much of the excess fat our bodies have to deal with gets stored in the abdominal area.

This type of fat is actually called “visceral fat and this fat is dangerous to your health.

Subcutaneous fat, the other type of fat your body produces is stored under the skin all over the body and isn’t as harmful as what gets stored in your mid-section – the visceral fat.

Visceral fat is the “bad boy.” It is dangerous to your health setting the stage for disease (increased risk of heart disease, diabetes and other health issues) to set in because it pads the area around and between organs located within the abdominal area.

Exercises such as sit ups will not remove or reduce visceral fat. You may benefit tightening your stomach muscles, however, your visceral fat remains.

Focusing on weight loss and cutting calories too low is not the single answer either. This only causes your body to shift into “starvation mode.” In other words, your body starts to store calories rather than burn them for fear of starvation.

This in turn plays havoc with your metabolic rate slowing it down dramatically, which in turn causes more fat gain and less calorie burn. Even after you up your calorie intake again you will still not lose belly fat – in fact, you’ll even gain more.

But don’t lose hope, you can create a sexy, healthy physique…but it takes dedication, hard work and focus on diet and exercise.

So what do you do?


Diet and Exercise

The key to losing dangerous visceral “belly fat” is to pay attention to and focus on what you are putting in your body – what you are eating and how much.

It’s all about clean eating.

You must begin the elimination and clean up process and avoid unnaturally sweetened foods – those filled with sugar.  Additionally, toss the processed and prepared boxed foods and steer clear of unhealthy fast food meals. You should be consuming between 1500-1800 calories daily depending a bit on your gender and body type.


 Your diet should consist of 80% of these types of foods:

Natural, whole foods like fruits and vegetables – Nature’s bounty

High quality meats and other high quality proteins (organic if possible)

A variety of healthy nuts and grains (once again organic is the way to go)

Now for exercise

Not all exercises help you lose belly fat – you’ll need to adopt a proper strength training regime to accomplish this.  Strength training is the way to go. When done right it challenges each of your muscle groups. You’ll only need 20-30 minutes 3-4 times weekly to accomplish this.

No, your excess fat will not fall off overnight, but with dedication and hard work, you will see your stomach fat shrinking and your self-esteem rising.

The formula is simple – fill your diet with 80% healthy foods and add to that proper strength training exercises.

Both these actions, will boost your metabolism and reveal a strong, healthy, toned and sexy body that was previously hidden under all that fat.

You’ll not only reshape your body into a sexier, more appealing version of you, but you will feel and look healthier too and isn’t that what you’re really after?

Eliminating belly fat isn’t just for the moment, it’s about lifestyle changes. After all, you don’t want it to reappear on your new toned body after working so hard to reshape it!

The reality is, you cannot buy back your health. No amount of money has the power to return your body to its healthy state once cancer or another debilitating disease strikes. This is why MAINTAINING superior health should be the number one strategy now, not later after disease strikes.

If you ready to tap into the power of your self-healing processes in order to MAXIMIZE your level of health, I am here to help…

“Activate The Self Healing Process Within You” contains “simple Lifestyle Strategies to help resist aging and maintain superior health.” Inside this powerful and empowering program, you will learn the best techniques for preparing your body to defend itself against disease no matter how insidious the threat.

The information, when implemented as suggested, will be life changing and you will enjoy greater health like never before.