
Each one of us knows in our hearts that the responsibility for our health and longevity belongs solely to us. There is not a doctor or drug on the planet that can offer a stronger, healthier disease resistant body nor one who will ever care as much about our body as we do. The responsibility is ours.

With all the scientific studies and research readily available on disease prevention these days we are starting to understand that health is not just the absence of disease or simply “not being sick.”

It’s about way more than that…it’s about prevention. It’s about seeking out proactive ways to a higher quality of life NOW, about staying well now and preventing disease in the first place rather than waiting like a “sitting duck” for disaster and disease to happen to be treated with “sickness care.”

Only by “acting positively, in the moment,” can you create permanent lifestyle changes – not by waiting for disease symptoms to appear and then “reacting out of fear.”

Sickness care is reactive in nature…treating the symptoms of disease after the fact.

Wellness care is proactive and prevents poor health and disease and slows the aging process.


Wellness Mindset

A wellness mindset is one that focuses on the attainment of higher levels of health rather than working and focusing on the symptoms. It means you are not only free of disease, but that you are not at risk of them either.

This type of healthy mindset focuses on finding and eliminating the causes of poor health rather than treating symptoms as the present “health” system does.

There are billions of dollars spent on “sickness care” yearly as causes continue to get ignored and symptoms get treated. Even with billions spent, our health is spiraling down at an alarming rate with one out of every two individuals now experiencing some sort of chronic “lifestyle” disease such as cancer, diabetes or heart disease.

This kind of “sickness mentality/industry” treats disease and sickness after it appears. All sorts of drugs are dished out for every possible condition; antibiotics for infection, anti-inflammatory for pain, blood thinning drugs for heart disease, Ritalin for children and the list goes on and on. But, the cause is never addressed…only the symptoms.

Sickness happens, while wellness and good health are something you must consciously pay attention to and practice daily if you hope to reduce the risk of sickness and disease and slow the aging process.

In truth, you are actively (if not consciously) participating in one of two areas. You’re inviting disease in with your bad habits or you’re preventing disease in the first place with your healthy habits. In the end, your daily habits “in the moment” are writing the script for what you experience later.

Daily diet, exercise habits and lifestyle habits are the real contributors to health or the destroyers of it.  You don’t have to be a “sitting duck” waiting for the “inevitable to happen” It’s absolutely possible to avoid the “disability zone” in the future but your actions towards that goal must start now.

The reality is, we are much more likely to experience a health-span that equals our lifespan when we’ve taken control of our lives and taking responsibility is the only way to do that.

After all, it’s never been about how long you live that counts…it’s about the quality of life you enjoy while living that long life.

Spending your days locked to a wheel-chair reliant on others eats away and destroys your dignity. It seriously limits your mobility, independence and self-reliance and lowers the quality of life you are living.

No one is empowered to make healthy choices but you! It’s time to move from a sickness/curative” mindset to a mindset of “wellness/prevention” and address what’s really needed to gain stellar health and enjoy a disease resistant body…

MAINTAINING superior health should be the number one strategy now, not later after disease strikes because no amount of money has the power to return your body to its healthy state once cancer or another debilitating disease strikes. 

If you ready to tap into the power of your self-healing processes in order to MAXIMIZE your level of health, I am here to help…

“Activate The Self Healing Process Within You” contains “simple Lifestyle Strategies to help resist aging and maintain superior health.” This powerful program, reveals the best natural techniques for preparing your body to defend itself against disease no matter how insidious the threat.

My goal in creating this empowering program is to help align your mind, body, and soul in such a way that motivation to take care of yourself and your loved ones is no longer an issue.