For the most part, whenever we take the first step towards any endeavor or towards a fresh goal, we are stepping into new territory and in the process, we stir up new fears and that’s the first hurdle we must move beyond.

Once that first fear is conquered, excitement sets in.

We’ve all felt it…not just in the gym but anytime we have pushed ourselves “beyond” our comfort zone into unknown territory. It’s our adrenaline flowing and it’s both exciting and scary.

Excitement like fear is a temporary emotion…it must be fed if it is to be sustained. It needs your energy to stay alive because energy is what gives it motion and motion is what gives it life.

The energy generated from excitement is what helps to keep you motivated to stay on track. But how do you keep that excitement lit?

How do you stay motivated and persevere at the gym once the initial “excitement”…has passed, the initial movement of energy has subsided…when the wave begins to calm?

You feed it energy, you keep stoking it as you would any “fire.” No fire stays lit without the proper energy feeding it. Your quest for health and fitness is the fire and it must be fed.

Staying in the moment is the “key” to success at anything and the only place you can “stoke” your fire. In other words, stay focused on what needs accomplishing in the moment.

If your attention, your energy is off living in your future expectations or residing in some past drama you are not using energy to create what is needed now.

How does this apply to your fitness quest in the gym?

It allows you to break down your goals – your fitness goals to sustainable steps, into sustainable pieces. You need to stay focused with your conscious attention in the moment and take whatever appropriate action steps present themselves.

If you try and “tackle” the end result in your mind when your body is only at the level of “half-way there” it only leads to rejection and disappointment. Set the bar high (attainable, but high) and know that it takes many steps to get there. Give your attention to each step along the way as they are revealed. Know that accomplishing one step will surely lead to the next and eventually you’ll reach your goal.

More ways to stay motivated and persevere at the gym:

Celebrate all your fitness accomplishments:

They all count and every week will be different. Look for the positive side to everything and pat yourself on the back for it. It’s the little accomplishments that happen in the moment that count…but they all add up to the “big result.”

Adopt Accountability:

Accountability is a powerful motivating tool. Allowing others in on your workout plan will help you with follow through. Don’t be afraid to seek out friends and family and get them involved in helping you stay on track. In the end you must be the one that takes responsibility for your actions but it never hurts to get a little “push” along the way.

Train the Brain:

The mind is an amazing and powerful too that can be trained to serve you. But you must take control and empower yourself. Learn how your internal voice speaks with you. Adopt different forms of internal connection; yoga, meditation of all sorts, mantras, affirmations – they all work to help keep your mind focused and working for you.

Create a Journal:

Even though you want to stay consciously focused in the moment when working to accomplish your goals, writing them down in the beginning is a powerful exercise. Use quotes, images, affirmations, lyrics…anything that will support you or that you resonate with on your journey. Whenever you feel a weak moment you can revisit your journal for inspiration and motivation. Your notes will be a transparent reminder of why you began your journey in the first place.

Seek Professional Help: Just like looking for a Doctor that is the right fit for you professional fitness trainers come in all shapes and sizes. Try out different ones if needed until you find one that is a good fit for you. Look for someone who will continually challenge you. Simply find someone who relates to your needs, gets your engine revving and keeps it running.

There are no rules for motivation and perseverance whether in the gym or accomplishing anything else in life. The key is to find out what works for you, what gets you moving, what excites you, kicks you into action and keeps you on tract and using it.

And, remember why you started! It’s likely your most motivating factor!

If you have not already addressed the roles that exercise and diet/nutrition play in your health and longevity, it’s time you did.

“Activate The Self Healing Process Within You” is the “instruction manual” for making it happen.

It contains “simple Lifestyle Strategies to help resist aging and maintain superior health.” You’ll learn the best techniques for preparing your body to defend itself against disease no matter how insidious the threat.

The information when implemented as suggested, will be life changing and you will enjoy greater health like never before.

For more tools and resources from Carolyn Hansen to assist you in attaining your goals and achieving the success you desire in life, please visit:

Carolyn Hansen Fitness