Hard times are frustrating at best but everyone has to face them at some point. Pushing through takes lots of courage, determination, resilience, patience and tenacity among other healthy virtues.

How you deal with them – as a victim or someone in control – determines whether or not your life is impacted in a positive or negative way.

Despite the “seemingly” worst kinds of circumstances that you might be confronted with, the best way to stay on track and come out ahead is to have a “game plan” put in place ahead of time that you can turn to that helps you push through these “hard times” as well as promoting a proper positive mindset.

Game Plan –

Your “game-plan” is essentially your “action plan.” Having an action plan in place ahead of time keeps you moving forward – it gives you something to focus on and reach for.

Action plans are simple enough to put into place…

Start the process by thinking about what your situation is, where you currently are and where you would like to be going.

Now, ask yourself “how can I get there?”

What action steps can I take that will move me in a positive direction towards my goal?

Taking action lifts you out of “thinking/dwelling” on your situation – a passive bystander with little or no control – to one who takes action by putting forth solid effort to move themselves forward. Action is the step that moves “energy” in the physical realm.

Action steps put you in control. They energize and make you feel better and erase any feelings of being a “victim.” When you feel in control of your destiny and your future – you are empowered.

Imagining is the first step in the creative process, and a very powerful one, but it does not end there. You must take your creation from your creative “inner screen” of imagination to the outer world of form and you do that by taking action.

Connect your action step with your “inner vision” and watch as magic happens.

Sit on the sidelines and wait for the “right moment” and nothing happens. It’s the action step that moves energy and finishes the creative equation.

Dreaming of a lean body with strong muscles and healthy bones? You’ll never get there by dreaming about it. Create an action plan, set it in place and most important of all, put it into play.

If you are having trouble sticking to your exercise routines or getting yourself to the gym, it might be time to indulge the help of a personal trainer to get you physically and mentally back on track (don’t be afraid or too proud to ask for help when needed. Each one of us contributes a different perspective to issues and that “someone” may very well have the answer you are seeking).

If emotional eating is an issue with you, seek help from a counselor that deals in those sorts of issues. Receiving help from experts, will help you to regain control and begin moving in the right direction quickly and efficiently.

Most of all, remember that everything you do, provides a valuable lesson learned, information that you’

[ll use going forward. All experiences are learning experiences that help us to grow and become better individuals. Every experience should end by reflecting inward on what has been learned through the experience and how it can help you to further position yourself in the direction you want to go.

Once an action is taken, you cannot change it. So, focusing on negative emotion about what happened only keeps you from gleaning the positive lesson. 

The key is to pay attention to your daily life and work at things on an ongoing basis to make sure that all the actions you take on a daily basis are positive steps towards your goals and not away from them.

If you ready to tap into the power of your self-healing processes in order to MAXIMIZE your level of health…

“Activate The Self Healing Process Within You” contains “simple Lifestyle Strategies to help resist aging and maintain superior health.” This powerful program, reveals the best natural techniques for preparing your body to defend itself against disease no matter how insidious the threat.

My goal in creating this empowering program is to help align your mind, body, and soul in such a way that motivation to take care of yourself and your loved ones is no longer an issue.