Decades ago, our appetite control system was in a much healthier state and we did not experience many of the problems we have today with overeating.

“Hunger signals” tell our body how much energy it needs and how much body fat to create and store. These days, our body’s hunger signals are interfered with by all sorts of chemical additives and genetically modified “anti-nutrients.” When this system gets “out of whack” it becomes harder to recognize when one is truly hungry or just suffering from a craving.

Modern Diets –

Unfortunately, our modern diets are laden with highly refined and processed food. These foods are full of chemicals additives and toxins…so, when we consume these types of foods our body gets filled with them.

These highly refined and processed foods not only fail to nourish us, but, they actually do us harm. They throw our appetite control mechanism out of balance and cause us to lose touch with our natural hunger signals.

Low quality foods cannot support the body’s cry for nutrients, so, the body keeps jacking up the appetite dial in hopes that it will get what’s needed for repair and maintenance.

With over 80,000 chemicals currently being produced (with more on the way), our exposure to harmful chemicals has never been greater. Many of these end up in the food chain of the animals we consume and therefore end up in us.

Damaging chemicals lodge in the tissues of the body remain there for years causing damage, altering metabolism and initiating nutritional deficiencies. They create hormonal imbalances and lower our threshold of resistance to illness and disease.

These same chemicals and toxins are responsible for the excess weight that many people carry around because most are stored in our fat cells. Our “toxic burden” actually piles up like garbage. If left unchecked, it can seriously compromise our health. So, the body responds by exiling these dangerous substances for safety, sealing them inside fat storage sites…as far away as possible from major organs such as the heart.

The body tries to protect itself from damage, so it retains these toxic fat cells. As these toxins accumulate within us, we become heavier and more overweight. This build up of toxic waste is one of the primary reasons why people are unable to lose weight.

Those that tout an expanding waistline need to take note – it is not just a sign that you are consuming too many calories – it is a visible sign of toxic build up.


The body requires some serious cleanup before it can be restored to a healthy state again. It needs to be detoxified, repaired and strengthened – only then will the fat begin to come off with ease.

In order to re-balance our “out of balance” hormones and restore our appetite control mechanism to a healthy state once again, we must begin consuming healthy, nutritionally dense foods. Along with giving our body the nutrients it craves, we must give it the action it craves…exercise.

We must combine nutrient dense eating with proper challenging exercise if we truly want our hormones balanced and our bodies restored to complete health.

When our body gets the nutrients it craves and needs for maintenance and repair… hormones are balanced and working properly, the “over eating” stops and the weight drops.

The body has the potential and the power to slow down the aging process and restore itself to a level of wellness that it may no longer be experiencing. Superior health. the kind that pays off long-term, involves maintaining healthy body weight throughout life, eating a healthy diet, and having sufficient physical activity in our lives.

“Activate The Self Healing Process Within You” is the “instruction manual” for making it happen. It contains “simple Lifestyle Strategies to help resist aging and maintain superior health.” You’ll learn the best techniques for preparing your body to defend itself against disease no matter how insidious the threat.

The information here, when implemented as suggested, will be life changing and you will enjoy greater health like never before.