Your muscles do far more than just make movement possible. There is now clear evidence that your muscles which make up 50 percent of your body weight, also play an important role in metabolic health, wellness and longevity.

For years, clients have come to me to vent their frustrations exasperated that their body weight has barely budged despite decades worth of stationary cycling or treadmill use. None of this surprises me of course because I learned a long time ago that true metabolic exercising – the kind that raises the metabolism and forces your body to burn fat all day long requires an entirely different approach to putting your body through its paces.

Truth is, when it comes to boosting metabolism not all exercise is created equal.

Instead of low-impact aerobic activity, the path to increased metabolic rate involves strength training – the kind that builds lean muscle.  If you really want to burn fat quickly and easily, strength training is key. The reason for this is because muscle tissue is active tissue. It requires fuel to do its work. When it is not flexing, it needs to burn fuel to keep warm and be ever ready to perform when called upon at a moment’s notice. Fat tissue, on the other hand, has a much lower capacity to keep itself warm and can perform no action that expends energy through moving mass around (which muscles do wonderfully).


Metabolism is defined as the amount of energy in the form of calories that are burned daily. When your muscle mass increases, it automatically boosts your metabolic engine. That’s why ten pounds of lean muscle tissue is to be far preferred over ten pounds of fat tissue. Muscle tissue burns fat all day long while fat tissue just sits there doing nothing.

Low impact cardio workouts do very little and might even be taking you away from optimal progress because you don’t get the benefit of an after-burn effect or of building muscle. In fact, if you overdo it, it may actually cause you to lose lean muscle mass.

Without a doubt, muscle tissue is the secret weapon in the fight against flab and building muscle tissue is the secret to losing more weight and boosting metabolism. If you want to have a lean, fit body with a kicked in metabolism, strength training is the way to go. Any kind of strength training will increase muscle mass and boost metabolism.

Remember, your metabolic and hormonal systems are supposed to work in harmony with your other internal biochemical systems in controlling your weight. If one is thrown off kilter, fat loss comes to a halt.

Use resistance training as the cornerstone of your fat loss program. Work all muscle groups hard, and often with an intensity that creates metabolic disturbance leaving metabolism elevated for several hours post workout.

If you have not already addressed the roles that exercise and diet/nutrition play in your health and longevity, it’s time you did.

“Activate The Self Healing Process Within You” is the “instruction manual” for making it happen.

It contains “simple Lifestyle Strategies to help resist aging and maintain superior health.” You’ll learn the best techniques for preparing your body to defend itself against disease no matter how insidious the threat.

The information when implemented as suggested, will be life changing and you will enjoy greater health like never before.