
A sound diet is associated with infinite advantages including a stronger immune system, reduced risk for sickness or long term disease and ultimately extended longevity.

On the other hand, years of unhealthy eating eventually pile up and causing these factors to suffer.

The reality is, an unhealthy diet increases one’s odds of developing grave conditions like osteoporosis, hypertension and cardiovascular disease.


Health Risks

Osteoporosis – develops primarily in elderly grownups frequently because of a lifetime of mediocre nutrition. Young adult females – as early as in their 20’s begin to lose calcium and their bones begin to deplete bit by bit. If you don’t eat enough calcium, vitamin D and vitamin C or if your body weight stays dangerously low for long periods of time, your danger for osteoporosis grows dramatically.

Citrus, tomatoes and strawberries are good sources of vitamin C as well as low-fat dairy products, calcium-fortified breads, grains, juices and soy milk. Spinach, salmon, sardines and tofu are other good sources. Vitamin D can be acquired by getting in the sun daily for short periods of time. It is also present in many fortified dairy or soy products.

Hypertension – High blood pressure happens when your arteries get congested with plaque that collects over time. Most arterial plaque is diet-derived and commonly stems from saturated fats, trans fats, and dietary cholesterol in addition to overeating in general.

Risk factors for hypertension are: Being obese or heavy, consuming too much sodium or too little potassium or vitamin D and unreasonable consumption of alcohol are all significant risk factors

To reduce or forestall hypertension focus on eating a variety of healthy foods such as fruits and ch00veggies, whole grains and lean proteins. Avoid eating added sugars, saturated fats and fried foods. Regular physical activity is likewise a means of forestalling hypertension.

Cardiovascular conditions and disease – Heart disease, arteriosclerosis, congestive heart failure, heart attack and stroke are grievous, possibly life-threatening disease that might result from years of unhealthy eating. A healthy diet is mandatory and one of the most efficient tools you have in your arsenal for avoiding heart disease. Saturated fats and trans fats step-up the risk for cardiovascular diseases while nutrient-rich foods such as fruits and veggies, whole grains and legumes and other lean protein sources are empowered to decrease risk for such diseases.

Additionally, at least 2 servings of fatty fish, like salmon, tuna or mackerel per week as they supply the body with omega-3 fatty acids – heart-healthy fats the body needs.

Key Points

If you hope to preclude these devastating illnesses from invading your life, you must adopt a balanced, nutrient-rich diet long before any symptoms kick in if you want the best results.

To prevent diet-related diseases and maintain long-term health, you must stick to a balanced diet, one rich in an assortment of nutritious foods.

By eating right and taking care of yourself, you may cut back that “tension” you’d normally feel to a manageable level, you’ll step up your productivity and ultimately your enjoyment of life increases.

It’s all about “loving you” …give yourself the kind of care you would give your own children.

Your body has the potential and the power, to slow down the aging process and restore itself to a level of wellness that it may no longer be experiencing. Superior health. the kind that pays off long-term, involves maintaining healthy body weight throughout life, eating a healthy diet, and having sufficient physical activity in our lives.

“Activate The Self Healing Process Within You” is the “instruction manual” for making it happen. It contains “simple Lifestyle Strategies to help resist aging and maintain superior health.” You’ll learn the best techniques for preparing your body to defend itself against disease no matter how insidious the threat.

The information here, when implemented as suggested, will be life changing and you will enjoy greater health like never before.