One of the key conditions to achieving stellar health is to simplify life. We must get rid of excess clutter, and prioritize what’s really important so that we can focus and place our energy there.

However, that’s easier said than done in today’s fast paced modern world that demands so much of us. The reality is, most people have overly complicated lives and don’t even realize that this overly complicated life is the very thing keeping them from achieving their heartfelt goals.

It might be commitments they have made, multiple goals they are reaching for at once, items they hope to buy, or house repairs that need tending. One way or another, they are constantly being pulled in a million different directions mentally and physically at the same time.


Life becomes confusing when we don’t know where to put their attention and the unfortunate end is stress. Most of us are aware of what stress does, it messes with our hormones. Since our hormones control our bodily systems, the end result is illness and disease.


An overly complicated life must divide energy reserves into many channels rather than focusing it into one – a laser beam of energy that creates. This weakens our energetic efforts. Rather than doing one or two things really well, we end up doing many things in a mediocre way (or even less than). Unfortunately, most times never reaching our goal.

We must realize and accept the fact that any end achieved is the result of how much focus and energy is put into something. Focused energy is the fuel that makes it happen. Weak focus produces weak results while intense focused energy is like a high powered laser beam connecting us with our goals and drawing them closer and closer.

Simplifying your life won’t happen overnight. However, there are key steps that can be taken that will help you to prioritize your life, keep your energy focused onto one or two projects at a time and begin achieving the success you’ve been waiting for.




Learn to say No:

Paramount to success in life is putting yourself first. Quit playing the “martyr” role. Stop putting yourself in the precarious position of always saying “yes” to everything you are asked to do even though you are fully aware that your calendar is filled to the brim.

When you are stretched too thin, you’ll begin reacting just like a rubber band that is stretched too thin, you’ll eventually “snap.” Serious stress and burn-out is the result and effects how you feel about everything, including your personal eating habits and workout habits.

Let’s face it, you can’t put too much energy into your workouts if your energy is dispersed among multiple channels. Since stress influences your workout recovery time, if you are on the go 24/7 with little to no down time you’ll never see the results you are after. So, first things first, and that’s YOU – learn to say “no” when needed and release yourself from time commitments that are not in line with your greatest values or that you don’t love doing.


Clean out your cupboards and wardrobe:

It’s amazing how ridding your home of clutter can reduce stress the clutter in your mind but it does. Too many possessions complicate our lives, drain our bank accounts (causing more stress), deplete our energy and disrupt our focus and attention. Take time to remove any non-essential items from your life. Less items means less to worry about. Declutter your home, it is your sanctuary.


Rid yourself of negative emotions:

Negative thoughts, emotions, beliefs and perceptions are useless. They have never improved the quality of life for anyone and they never will. Let go of past hurts, heal those wounds and replace those negative thoughts and feelings with positive ones.


Commit silence time to focus on you daily:

Even if you only do it 5 minutes a day. Take time to meditate and focus on your inner world. This exercise keeps you in touch with yourself without the intrusion of the thousands of thoughts that are continually trying to get your attention throughout the day. Give yourself the gift of you minus any judgements as you sit in total loving gratitude.


Remember as you begin simplifying your life, it’s a journey not a destination. The key is to identify what’s most important in your life, what adds value to your life, what you love to do and eliminate everything else.

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