It is quite remarkable in today’s world how many people struggle with their body weight when they really don’t have to. Like all systems, maintaining a healthy a body weight is nothing more than following a set of rules. After all, bodily systems function successfully when they are in the “flow.” This rhythm takes structure and rules, without those structure and rules, chaos ensues.

In other words, mess with your body’s natural flow of energy by “breaking the rules” and you’ve created a blockage of some sort, sending your master controllers, your hormones, into disruption and distortion, opening the door to disease.

“Abide by the rules and you reap the benefits, ignore them and the opposite occurs.” Even a child can understand that.

The formula for maintaining a healthy body weight are simple…

Your body needs to be using up body fat as a fuel source. This can only happen if the “hunger” signals (your hunger hormones) are kept healthy and relaying the right messages.

What’s needed is a simplistic diet focused around natural foods that regulate hunger and get the body using up body fat as a fuel source.

Your insulin sensitivity determines whether you are likely to store fat in the face of a calorie surplus or build muscle with it. That means that if your insulin signals are messed up, maintaining a healthy, fit body weight is impossible.


Here are 5 Keys to healthy weight loss – losing it and keeping it off.

Healthy Diet:

It doesn’t take a brain surgeon to realize that the foods you eat or don’t eat have everything to do with the weight you carry…or can’t lose.

A healthy diet is rich in vegetables, fruits, legumes, and whole grains and low in sugary foods, saturated and trans fats and refined grains. You can include dairy, (low fat and non-fat sources are best to keep calories low) , plenty of fresh fish best) , poultry and other lean meats. Fiber is important too because it slows the absorption of carbohydrates and helps to fill you up, keeping you satisfied longer. Include up to 35 grams of fiber daily from plant foods.

Emotional Triggers:

Have you ever stopped to take notice of how often you are filling your face with food after you’ve been stressed out, angry, upset, lonely, excited or unhappy? Emotional eating is a huge player in the weight loss war and can throw your whole diet efforts into oblivion. You must distinguish between emotional eating and real hunger. If you rate your hunger and fullness levels on a scale from 1-10 (1 – you are starved and 10 you are beyond full (as in holiday meals), you should only eat when your level is approximately 3 – you are hungry but not starving and stop at level 7 – completely satisfied and full.

If you find yourself reaching for food when you are not really hungry, it’s time to replace that action with non-food related activities. Even going for a brisk walk can help.

Concentrate on low-energy/density foods:

Eating low energy-density foods (those with few calories in comparison to weight and volume) helps you to fill up on fewer calories because it increases satiety. Eat more foods that are high in water and fiber content such as vegetables and fruits, broth based soups and whole grains that have been cooked and replace low-moisture, high fat foods such as cookies, fried foods, crackers and cheese. Fill your sandwiches with grated carrots, lettuce and chopped veggies such as cucumbers. Make whole-grain pizza crusts and top them with more veggies and less cheese.

Focus on your Protein Intake:

Protein, like fiber, helps to satiate your appetite and also helps limit the amount of muscle you lose during weight loss. Studies show that spreading your protein intake out throughout the day is a better option for taking weight off than consuming it all in at one meal. Poultry, legumes (and other beans), low-fat and non-fat dairy and foods rich in healthy fats such as fish and nuts are all good choices.

Make your own Meals:

The best way to control what goes into your body is to prepare the foods yourself. It’s hard to portion foods when you eat out and you have no idea how much sugar, oil or other high calories ingredients have been used. Cook at home using the healthiest ingredients and limit your portion sizes for best result.

If you ready to tap into the power of your self-healing processes in order to MAXIMIZE your level of health…

“Activate The Self Healing Process Within You” contains “simple Lifestyle Strategies to help resist aging and maintain superior health.” This powerful program, reveals the best natural techniques for preparing your body to defend itself against disease no matter how insidious the threat.

My goal in creating this empowering program is to help align your mind, body, and soul in such a way that motivation to take care of yourself and your loved ones is no longer an issue.

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