It is much easier to get yourself moving, to make better food choices and do the things you need to do to reclaim your strong, lean body when you harness the power of exercise.


The reality is, exercise is empowering. It is key to releasing and keeping our hormones balanced. Some of these hormones are responsible for fat burning throughout the day and others directly affect mood. Since motivation levels can be substantially affected according to how you feel psychologically, healthy hormone levels are mandatory for strong motivation and exercise is a requirement for that.


Endorphin’s are nature’s “feel-good” hormones. They are manufactured in the brain in response to many things, including physical activity. Endorphin’s calm you and relieve stress and they are empowered to elevate your mood long after your exercise session has ended making it easier to follow through with taking actions steps towards your goals.

Unfortunately, the widespread lack of exercise we see in the world today is, in large part, responsible for the sky rocketing increase in depression because it negatively affects the amount of “happy hormones” that are released. Sadly, nearly 10 percent of the western world now takes mood-enhancement drugs for a condition that was once considered rare.

These lowered levels of hormones (such as endorphin’s) are what ultimately lead to the “loss of happiness.” This in turn, often results in emotional eating because lowered hormonal levels cause a desire to replace this “loss” with comfort food…chocolate, ice-cream, donuts. You know the ones I am talking about. Without a shift to healthy exercising, it’s easy to see where this story is going.

Exercise is a great way to build fat-burning muscles tissue, but it is way more than that. It conditions the brain, lessons food cravings and elevates self-esteem. It also helps dissolve any “empty feelings” or “feeling of loss” you may have and provides you with a sense of more power.

Want to feel better, look better and act better? Look no further than your next exercise session. When you feel good, everything is easier and more enjoyable. Being a better parent, friend or partner, eating better, being active and getting tasks completed are all easier and more enjoyable when you feel good.

So, what are you waiting for?


Proper Exercise:

Boosts your metabolic rate (your body’s engine). A more efficient metabolism burns more fuel/calories every minute of the day and night.

Balances your body’s hormones. The powerful chemical messengers tell your body to store fat or burn it for energy. It’s easier and quicker to lose weight if your hormones are balanced and functioning correctly.

Releases “feel-good” hormones that increase feelings of well-being.

Increases happiness. You’ll be more optimistic, enthusiastic, cheerful and positive.

Helps raise your self-esteem and improve the quality of your life. You just feel good.

Promotes overall healthy. If you’re trying to lose weight permanently, it will be a constant battle until you are healthy.

Reduces levels of stress, anxiety and tension.


Although exercise has proven its worth to our mental, emotional and physical health, the reality is, most people still sit motionless for most of their waking hours.

If, after examining your own life habits, you find that exercise does not rate very high on your totem pole of life’s priorities, it’s time to pause and take stock of what really matters. Evolutionary wise, humans were built for movement and plenty of it…are you willing to pay the price for doing the opposite?

If you have not already addressed the roles that exercise and diet/nutrition play in your health and longevity, it’s time you did.

“Activate The Self Healing Process Within You” is the “instruction manual” for making it happen.

It contains “simple Lifestyle Strategies to help resist aging and maintain superior health.” You’ll learn the best techniques for preparing your body to defend itself against disease no matter how insidious the threat.

The information when implemented as suggested, will be life changing and you will enjoy greater health like never before.

For more tools and resources from Carolyn Hansen to assist you in attaining your health and fitness goals and achieving the success you desire in life, please visit:

Carolyn Hansen Fitness